Recent content by Otac

  1. Otac

    Starbase Progress Notes: Week 12 (2020)

    nice work
  2. Otac

    Weapon Expansion, a few ideas for more anti-ship weapons.

    research yeah that‘s not simple to Development and production
  3. Otac

    Weapon Expansion, a few ideas for more anti-ship weapons.

    i think allow players reserch there own weapen will be fun:p
  4. Otac

    about player‘s own safezone

    I don't think players can set up their own security zone without any cost. It's too difficult for attackers to consider the security zone with cost: the security zone needs to consume a lot of energy, minerals or money (credit). For example, it needs to consume 5K credit per Hour, the larger the...
  5. Otac

    about player‘s own safezone

    我觉得玩家不能毫无代价地设立自己的安全区 对于进攻方来说太难了 可以考虑一下有代价的安全区:安全区需要消耗大量能源或、矿物或者是金钱(credit).比如需要耗费5k credit per hour,安全区范围越大所消耗的资源也就越多.并且安全区可以随时开启或者关闭(但是开启和关闭有一段间隔时间),当玩家要下线的时候就可以开启安全区,这样游戏内的经济系统会变得及其有用,而且保证了玩家后续玩下去的动力.
  6. Otac

    Starbase Progress Notes: Week 9 (2020)

    cool this game is becoming better week after week so excited
  7. Otac

    Is there any PVE content in the future?

    Actually I think DEVS can consider adding some NPCs to the future planetIt does n’t need a lot, it just needs to make the planet more lively, not just robots.
  8. Otac

    How can we perfect our base from other players?

    I think it can be done as well: when the space station is set to the safe area mode, it needs a lot of power or a lot of money in the game, such as 5K per hour. As the space station of the player expands, the player needs more power or credit to make the safe area work normally. It can be closed...
  9. Otac

    A few questions about factions

    ok man i'm in
  10. Otac

    A few questions about factions

    what's your clan? may be we can be ally to be family
  11. Otac

    NO Warp Gates? Discussing their potential replacement, Space Highways.

    i hope there will be warp travel in the future cost more feul
  12. Otac

    NO Warp Gates? Discussing their potential replacement, Space Highways.

    i hear that FB will add warp gate into SB in the future
  13. Otac

    Ultra wide support?

    and this is a space game 21:9 will be so fucking good