Recent content by Rekiat

  1. Starbase Progress Reset

    Haha, yeah, I know and I think that's a good thing. I'm excited to figure out how to use and do all the new awesome stuff they're gonna add in that 1-3 years, for sure! I was using the possibility of a wipe tomorrow, to explore how that would affect a newer player at that time, like I am now...
  2. Starbase Progress Reset

    I've seen a lot of posts about this, and it seems many of the players advocating for a full wipe have been playing since CA. I thought I'd give the perspective of someone who started about a week after EA release. I play every day, and I'm not yet rich, and its not yet boring because I still...
  3. (SOLVED) Waiting on servers, can't log in

    Hi, I play with my son Zakiat, and his account only shows "waiting on servers (P,B,I,S,W,U)" when he tries to log in. It just sits there on that screen, never letting him even click on the menu for any option, even to exit. He has verified his installation with Steam, and also completely...