Recent content by SixShot

  1. Protection for newer players from veteran players?

    Some hard-coded protection mechanic probably isn't necessary, it's already de-incentivized by the fact that a veteran player could make 10 times the money-per-minute by just mining, not to mention there are factions who would actively hunt those players if they were reported to be hanging around...
  2. Infantry Combat

    While the agility would seem flashy, I think the most that could feasibly be introduced is Q & E for leaning, and even then, I enjoy that the game can keep the focus on ships, and while increased movement doesn't take anything away from ships, I just don't see much of a necessity to focus on...
  3. What kind of mounted Weaponry would you like to see?

    This may already be in the works, but increased modularity to weapons is enough, if we can have more creative freedom with these things it would prompt factions and companies to develop some rather impressive arsenals.