Starbase Test Universe Update 16.10.2024 - STU Build 1000062


Aug 9, 2019

  • New Siege feature: Station Foundation Security and Capital Security Field Generator.
  • For Stations:
    • The Foundation Unit's station area will be automatically applied as the Secure Zone of the station when its loaded after the update.
    • During a Siege, players can respawn from the Foundation Unit (for now without restrictions or any sort of cooldown etc.)
    • The middle area (that is last to be captured) is surrounded by a "safezone" field, that protects all objects inside from damage, but does not protect players from damage.
      • Also blocks hostile and neutral players from entering, only those that chose your side for the Siege can enter.
  • For Capitals:
    • A new craftable object "Security Field Generator" needs to be placed somewhere on the Capital and activated.
      • That build area will become the Secure Zone and will function identically to the Station's one.
    • If multiple Security Field Generators are activated at a Capital, only the most recently activated will take effect during a Siege.
    • Players can also respawn from the Security Field Generator, just like a Station's Foundation unit.
  • The Secure Zone, be it on Capital or Station, is always the last zone that needs to be captured to win and won't be available for capture until all other zones have been taken.
    • The Secure Zone will be dispelled when all other areas of the Capital/Station are captured.
    • If there is no Security Field Generator activated at the Capital, Siege Terminal will determine the last capture area like before.
  • Fixes:
  • Potentially fixed Capital Ship devices disconnecting from Device Nexuses on their own for no apparent reason or after warping.
    • This is a difficult and inconsistent issue to reproduce, so if you still get this issue after the patch, please file an F1 ticket with details and we'll check it out.
  • Further snap fixes to station editor parts and part groups, additionally, objects that have no priority snap points are no longer ignored for overlap checks.
  • Fix to prevent some object gap problems in station editors, newly placed objects (not snapped to old objects) should adhere to a more strict "grid".
  • Optimizing saved data sizes of station objects.
  • Fixed Decal recoloring not being saved properly unless copied.
  • Fix for the first module placement after game start taking very long to finish on certain large stations.
  • Shield breaker count is now calculated by the total on the Capital Ship, instead of the size of the largest snapped together stack.
  • Fixed object placement getting stuck in Station Editors when the station existed in certain positions.
  • Fixed being unable to start a Siege if the optimal attacker Capital Ship position was occupied already by another Capital.
  • Fixed Siege UI and safezones sometimes toggling on and off periodically when the universe had multiple Sieges in progress.
  • Fixed players not seeing the player names of their allies during Sieges
  • Fixed station damage not working at all.
  • Known Issues:
  • Security Zone does not yet prevent ships from passing through the area.
  • Stations cannot yet use Security Field Generator to set their own last area.
  • Players can still respawn via Station's Security Zone foundation, even if it is destroyed, or the area's control is lost to the enemy.