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  1. Chrome

    Very special Starbase music pack
  2. Chrome

    Starbase Progress Notes: Week 18 (2020)

    :eek: So many potential puzzle clues!!!!
  3. Chrome

    Starbase Progress Notes: Week 12 (2020)

  4. Chrome

    Starbase Progress Notes: Week 11 (2020)

    First .....Damn
  5. Chrome

    Starting job/advanced tutorial: Ship assembly hall.

    Feel like this reduces the value of player inginuity and work... Also what stops someone taking the job and then... just not doing it? Companies would have a reputaion to uphold but griefers could just take everything from a job board...?
  6. Chrome

    Planets, Rovers, and Other things

    The planet is a gas giant so no landing there (well unless crushed into a cute little ball of components)... and the moon has minimal atmosphere. We havent seen transition changes yet. Seen talk of warp gates and the like tho....
  7. Chrome

    Strafe Spamming?

    Also flame throwers are a thing...
  8. Chrome

    Strafe Spamming?

    Umm... not overly sure what you mean... There is a maximum speed in the game depending on thrust/mass, and strafing is relative to what your target is doing which could be moving in multiple directions at once? and that becomes a mute point if you include multiple combatants? And you cant turn/...
  9. Chrome

    Change Sweez's name to Sneeze

    I dont know who that is but sure (y)
  10. Chrome

    Space mines

    Area denial, intimidation, interferance, defence, trap... a weapon is what you make it. If you look at something and dont look for tacical possibilities thats a little short sighted. And its a game, who knows what designs and abilities peeps might come up with, you could get a nasty surprise.
  11. Chrome

    Space mines

    Sounds like your quite adament on your own opinion... The trick with a "mine" compared to your turreted system is that they "should" be cheaper, easier to produce and hold a much larger payload. Also they cant be tricked into waisting thier munitions and continue to be a threat during their...
  12. Chrome

    Space mines

    Sounds like a turret to me... i think of a mine as a larger explosive that destroys itself on detonation... Now you can argue which is better but thats what i imagine when someone says minefield.
  13. Chrome

    Space mines

    Minefields are tricky in space because its so damn big! That extra dimention is a pain lol... I guess the "best" way would be to have your mines have thier own propultion and sensors to fly them towards a target... maybe even tractor beams to draw them in even more so that last little enevitable...
  14. Chrome

    The dark side of MMO's... or "how to stop me taking your stuff..."

    o/ Hello to all the wondrous automata, clickidy clack computers on legs, and those that bolt cat ears to your heads... Thought id start the processors going before the big day of us all getting in game by questioning the age ol tradition of griefing. OR the taking of other people’s stuff...
  15. Chrome

    Ship types and symbols (types are not classes)

    Shmeless Eve copy and paste But i think the problem with the above suggestions are their complexity, too much detail in a "symbol", you want no more than a dozen or so for a general overview probably just refering to tonnage... because its pretty easy to duel purpose a ship or have hidden...