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  1. Nyefari

    YOLOL havent heard much about it

    Hi Harrison! The best place to start is the wiki: Once you have read through that, one of the community members named Pasukaru has put together a quick tutorial to go over the basics of getting comfortable in the language which can be found here...
  2. Nyefari

    Has a recommended internet speed been mentioned?

    That is a bit rough, Badger. The game uses a Peer-to-Peer Hybrid MMO style system, so the most important factor is your ping to the people your game has loaded in. Hopefully that will actually mitigate the issues that high latency causes. As far as mining goes, usually when you are out in the...
  3. Nyefari

    Three-dimension Ship Interior Design

    I like this idea a lot. Having a work orientation and a luxury orientation.
  4. Nyefari

    Are we gonna be able to have harpoons?

    I'm under the impression that the mass they are moving is felt by the beams they are attached to, meaning that they can absolutely rip things apart. In this case I meant that the turntable was capable of spinning the weight without breaking.
  5. Nyefari

    Are we gonna be able to have harpoons?

    We've heard from Dev's that for the purposes of that video the mass limitations of the cargo beams was turned off, so though it worked there it probably won't work as well in game. not sure yet but still worth testing.
  6. Nyefari

    Thank You!

    I just wanted to post a quick thank you thread. Thank you Frozenbyte for letting closed alpha participants share video and screenshots of the game. It. looks. stunning. You really nailed the visuals with this one, and except for the early grind it looks like the asteroid mining gameplay loop...