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  1. Elo

    [DE] Bolts = Nägel, Schrauben, Nieten, Bolzen or something else entirely?

    Ganz klar Bolzen! five hat das ganz gut erklärt
  2. Elo

    Shipbuilding Extremely Frustrating for new Players

    It works, its extremely rewarding once everything does finally work. I just fear that a lot of people wont be as stubborn as we are and keep going at it until it works. I think a lot of people would rage quit instead. I think some quality of life changes could go a long way. Free cam like...
  3. Elo

    Shipbuilding Extremely Frustrating for new Players

    I dont know if its just me but does shipbuilding feel really frustrating to you? Every new thing takes ages to learn and is extremely unforgiving. The first designs can be trashed until a new player learns how to fit all systems on a frame that works, having done that you figure out plating...
  4. Elo

    VoIP do we need it?

    Maybe add VoIP and "emote like" voice bits like "yes" "no" "gib cargo!" "leave me alone". Have settings to disable only VoIP or both. Reduce the range for it at stations severely but not in space. That way if you dont want VoIP you disable it but can still be contacted with the voice bits? If...
  5. Elo

    What ships from other media are you most excited to recreate?

    True! I hated the Prometheus mainly due to the Engines but the Daedalus is absolute perfection. Also really like the Aurora!
  6. Elo

    VoIP do we need it?

    Maybe some options for people who dont like it could be. Reduce all VOIP to background radio chatter, that way you know someone is trying to hail you and you can respond with a message. Switch it off but have an icon when someone broadcasts near you. Have it switched off except for direct...
  7. Elo

    VoIP do we need it?

    VOIP for sure, if we cant get it atleast some "emotes" with sound I hope, Predefined messages like "Yes", "No", "Cut your engines or die!" etc
  8. Elo

    Anyone think large scale warfare will happen in star base?

    I hope smaller factions will have a way to "stay alive" and not just get roflstomped by larger ones. A large faction has basically nothing to lose when attacking a small faction right? I guess a small faction can always try to offer services or buy protection from a larger faction, time will tell
  9. Elo

    I have a question

    acording to what ive read on discord about 4000, recent invite waves of 650 :eek: also open alpha in q1 2021, hopefully they invite more and more peeps and everyone signed up get to play early
  10. Elo

    Starbase Progress Notes: Week 48 (2020)

    Super hyped!
  11. Elo

    Limited Respawn on big ships eg Carriers

    This suggestion is for once the game is released ofc It would be cool to have extra Endos in your carrier and if a pilot dies he could respawn in one of those Endos inside the carrier. There could be a limit on Endos maybe linked to power consumtion. That way in big space battles dieing once...
  12. Elo

    Helping larger ships to be more viable

    Different weapon sizes is interesting where "big" ships have big weapons that require more power and components, too big for fighters to carry. But big weapons usually shoot big ships, not fighters. I think a good solution would be when fighter are used to destroy components and weak spots on...