On the wiki it states YOLOL numbers are represented as 64 bit fixed point decimals and can store up to 3 decimal places. Looking at the maximum and minimum values it's obvious to see that the underlying representation is a signed 64 bit integer.
With that representation how can decimal...
I agree with the majority of this although i think it may be possible.
Train the network outside the game and hardcode the weights into the chips itself, don't bother with image recognition (too many calculations compared to simpler networks) and don't rely on high speed at all and it should...
If chips don't use the same fields or don't run at the same time then there wouldn't be an issue. I assume these chips would just handle different tasks?
I misunderstood the situation you were talking about. I take it you meant that one chip executes code until it reaches the end and then flips the state of a field, to activate another chip with is constantly checking that field. That shouldn't have a race condition since the chips aren't running...
It is when they are simulating execution of YOLOL. You literally can't check validity without simulating it. Add that with everything else required for simulation and I am still skeptical of its efficacy.
I wasn't aware they used P2P but imo it would make it so much harder to avoid hacking. You can't design a heuristic for determining the result of a program without simulating it yourself so at some point corners will have to be cut in how much work Starbases servers will do. Control at some...
The world anchor was an in game item someone before proposed that would act link a chunk loader in minecraft. I wasn't criticising the idea of leaving a computer on but I don't think it's flawless. Managing things client side means that it's very hard to make sure players don't alter what they...
What about keeping the location hidden or having the ability to aftack other stations. Effort could be put into making it smaller. I am just worried some features of stations won't be available for large moving structures.
Just wondering if there is any reason that anyone can think of, to build overly large ships. I am also wondering whether in the future there could be support for faction bases being able to be based in moving structures rather than be unmovable.
Except with an alt you are still doing the computation instead of them. I like the idea of a world anchor but I assume it may be very expensive to get or maintain since they would presumably want as little server load as possible.
It is designed this way in order to reduce server load. If the world loaders aren't available you could have a secondary account sit afk in a factory to run it. I've seen that on some other games.
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