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  1. Vis

    Console customization?

    Do you know what that range is? How far away can we have a button and still be able to press it with a keybind?
  2. Vis

    Console customization?

    So you still need the buttons there then? That means we need smaller buttons so we can fit all those functions whether there is a keybinding for it or not. You of course will want to keybind the important stuff so you don't have to look down in your cockpit during combat, but we will still need...
  3. Vis

    Console customization?

    Asking for smaller buttons is not at all pointless. The current buttons are way too big. You don't need buttons that big taking up that much space when you are sitting that close to them. And most of the functions I listed you wouldn't need during combat. The super important stuff you would need...
  4. Vis

    Console customization?

    No, I'm not at all. The big ugly levers needed just to control a fighter take up most of the space on a control panel. You need one lever to increase and decrease speed, one to pitch up and down, one to roll left and right, one to yaw left and right and maybe even one to strafe left and right as...
  5. Vis

    Console customization?

    You must not have seen the cockpit of many fighters.
  6. Vis

    Console customization?

    That will be true no matter what. If you are in a fighter than it won't matter because the whole fighter will most likely be blown up. The command chair could be in the very center of the ship in the CIC. If the ship gets damaged enough to reach that deep into the ship than the ship will be dead...
  7. Vis

    Console customization?

    Yes, I have been wondering the same thing, because the cockpits of fighters and ships in this game are just the ugliest I have ever seen in a game. XD They need to make buttons and switches like 1/4 the size of the ones they have shown because there is just not going to be enough room to fit all...
  8. Vis

    Custom Bombs

    Really, they need to have explosive charges in many different sizes, not just big ones for blowing up ships and stations. They need very small ones so you could use them as breaching charges to blow the hinges off of doors or to blow the canopy off your fighter when you eject. XD
  9. Vis


    LOL, WORST SONG EVER! XD But yeah, I would like to see something kind of like the programmable speakers in Factorio where you have many different musical notes it could play as well as some sound effects/alarm sounds.
  10. Vis

    Weapon Expansion, a few ideas for more anti-ship weapons.

    From the Depths does it well, but yeah they went in a different direction here.
  11. Vis

    Weapon Expansion, a few ideas for more anti-ship weapons.

    I would have really liked weapon building to be more like From the Depths, but it doesn't look like that is going to happen and we will not have that level of customization.
  12. Vis

    Weapon Expansion, a few ideas for more anti-ship weapons.

    While it is nice to have many different types of weapons to pick from, I would really like to have more sizes of weapons.
  13. Vis

    Space Drag?

    Yeah, I know, but space drag still sucks. And the devs really need to add more weight to asteroids. :rolleyes:
  14. Vis

    Space Drag?

    That is a very unrealistically light asteroid. XD
  15. Vis

    Star Sports

    Sounds interesting... I can already think of many other kind of sports that could be done in this game. Help me I can't turn it off! XD
  16. Vis

    Space Drag?

    No that would never work because an asteroid has way to much weight and mass that you would never be able to build a powerful enough catapult to launch it at any speed that could make it an effective weapon. Even hauling such a load would slow your ship down way to much to ever be useful in...
  17. Vis

    Interested in joining the Spark of Light? [SOL]

    Sounds interesting... I have been thinking about starting my own ship designing company or just becoming a freelance ship designer and just designing and selling ships. I'm sure I will spend about 99% of my time in this game just in the ship designer. In the game Avorion I have spent far more...
  18. Vis

    What would you name your ships and why?

    The big problem I see with naming ships in this game is that too many people will name their ships the same thing. Like I can see there being like 20 fighter designs out there named the raptor or viper or something like that. XD I think I will just name my designs with some letters and numbers...
  19. Vis

    Space Drag?

    So is what Meetbolio said about there being a delay in space drag kicking in after about 20-30 secs completely wrong? If so then catapults would be worthless because the objects you fire with them would most likely never reach their target... Yeah, space drag sucks. :( I have so many ideas for...
  20. Vis

    Space Drag?

    Are you saying space drag only starts slowing things down after 20-30 secs? Because that is some very weird space drag. :LOL: Also I never said anything about making torpedoes. Torpedoes would have engines/thrusters on them, so they wouldn't be slowed down and stopped by space drag. I was...