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  1. Starbase Progress Notes: Week 15 (2022) - Tools & Items insight

    For the salvage deeds, will there be some kind of indication of where the ship is at or is it going to be up to the player to find it completely on their own?
  2. Starbase Progress Notes: Week 14 (2022)

    With the salvage deeds are we going to get any ui indication of where the ship is at, or is it going to be 100% up to the players to try and remember where the wreck is located at?
  3. Starbase Progress Notes: Week 12 (2022)

    For the salvage deeds, will there be some kind of indication of where the ship is at or is it going to be up to the player to find it completely on their own?
  4. PTU Update 22.2.2022 (PTU Build 803)

    It doesnt work on new stations either.
  5. Starbase Progress Notes: Week 3 (2022) - Weapons and tools insight

    Are the salvage deeds going to give some sort of indication for where the ship to be salvaged is located? Or is it going to be 100% upto the player to figure out where the ship is located?
  6. Starbase Progress Notes: Week 44 (2021)

    Says the leader of a company with "bots" in the name :P lol
  7. PTU Update 11.11.2021 (PTU Build 715)

    Very exciting! Moon mining is geting so close!
  8. EA Update 7.9.2021 (Early Access Build 589)

    Is there any plans to add the area to sell the asteroids whole at the moon station? That is what I am having the most fun doing right now is gathering asteroids and hauling them back to origin and selling them whole and I would love to have that as an option to do at the moon station.
  9. PTU Update 3.9.2021 (PTU Build 586)

    Is there any plans to add the area to sell the asteroids whole at the moon station? That is what I am having the most fun doing right now is gathering asteroids and hauling them back to origin and selling them whole and I would love to have that as an option to do at the moon station.
  10. Starbase Progress Notes: Week 33 - Capital Ship insight (2021)

    Can you update these images to be friendly for people that are red/green colorblind? Like this?
  11. Starbase Progress Notes: Week 31 (2021)

    We are gonna need some big ships for the chip data saver. I am looking forward to this.