Search results

  1. The Station That Wasn't - And Could Never Be

    That the focus of players in Starbase should not be the origin stations is obvious. One way to do this is to have the ability to create stations which actually have some function like, refuelling or building; generally a place where players can refit, reorganize, build, grow, replenish, plan...
  2. Difficulty Finding Valid Build Locations Safe Zone Foundation

    I'm having a difficult time finding a valid build location for a safe zone foundation. I've spent 4 hours between 31km and 50km of origin stations, not between Eos and the origin stations, travelling up and down, back and forth, and I never get a valid build location. Is anyone else having the...
  3. AAR: Manatee in the Deep; A Starbase Tale of Woe

    Manatee in the Deep: A Starbase Tale of Woe 8-9-2021 After much gathering and selling, the Endo known as Durasteel had finally acquired a Manatee. Initially used to support corporate operations in the Safe Zone, Durasteel gathered many materials needed for corporate research. That finished, and...