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  1. Starbase Progress Notes: Week 4 (2022)

    Keen to see any mention of radiation tracking progress in any form in progress notes. Has been a very popular topic and slated for last year, yet we're seeing more and more new items pop up that don't ring a bell with the latest roadmap. Has this been placed on the back burner? Secondly, it...
  2. Should SB devs wipe economy prior to 1.0?

    "Wipes do nothing but cater to those who haven't even bothered to put in the time". Spoken like someone that favors their in-game EA alpha pixels over a fair 1.0 launch. There have been a lot of good arguments here as to why a wipe may or may not be necessary. Why not consider those and have...
  3. SZ too profitable

    Capital ships need alloys and it'll be a new money sink. Things that will stop this from being as effective as you hope: Most people can easily see civilian capital ships are by far the safer and almost-as-good investment as military capital ships. Once these are invested in by most clans...
  4. What do you guys think about the playerbase situation? what do you think about the future?

    I believe it was that mining equipment itself, i.e. lasers, won't produce large signatures. So, the signatures from the generator and thrusters and whatever else is still just the same as any other ship. What makes it "fair" is that people in miners can also use the system to detect incoming...
  5. I am Just going to say this Once FB

    Just like anything on the internet, discussion and sometimes reasonable arguments are not conveyed the best. It leads to a lot of us-vs-them and not a lot of good arguments given the fair consideration they deserve on both sides. To that point, I feel targeted by this wide net cast that I'm one...
  6. Is pilot vulnerability intended feature?

    Good luck consistently "shooting the pilot" in actual pvp. Use layers of glass or sacrifice visibility and use layered plates instead with very small window slits. Making something prohibitively costly would just make it so only the richest companies had them. That's a balancing nightmare...
  7. Actual armor plates.

    So now it's a half a foot of titanium? Why not make it six feet? Yes, weapons carried by infantry can defeat that with the appropriate type of weapon, a raw amount of concentrated fire, or just enough time. Because, again, there is no true 100% invulnerable anything in real life. If you want to...
  8. Actual armor plates.

    Sure, in the real world, a 9mm pistol would take a long time getting through titanium, if at all. But I think you're kind of cherry picking here and being a bit dishonest with that comparison. What about Desert Eagle in the same area multiple times? Look it up, it absolutely penetrates. How...
  9. Actual armor plates.

    Who said armor plates are exclusively meant to deal with autocannon and other ship weapons and that small arms should be 0% effective? I've never read that and I've looked over the wiki and lots of the forums and Discord. Is that just the way you feel and you're presenting it as a fact or did I...
  10. Actual armor plates.

    Don't like the idea of making anything "invulnerable" to weapons of any type. We already have safe zones popping up everywhere on every POI outside of Origin and on our stations and capital ships, I'd rather not also make ships have another magical layer of invulnerability. Maybe slightly harder...
  11. Developers needs to focus on getting the most important gameplay loop finished.

    Only skimmed here, but plenty of factory work is being prioritized on the roadmap. Complete automation for some things, while other things like completely automated mining/flying I believe is a thing FB isn't supporting by design choice. Personally, I think NPC ships are not a substitute for...
  12. What do you guys think about the playerbase situation? what do you think about the future?

    @Venombrew, everyone agrees with you that cheaters are bad and should be punished objectively and strictly. The problem is that everyone wants Lauri, or FB, to give input and projections like this on every subject, and then again on the same subject after some theorycrafting has been applied...
  13. What do you guys think about the playerbase situation? what do you think about the future?

    I wholeheartedly agree with @Bracaster on his first point. There seems to be a steady and conscious effort to disallow any situation that could be perceived as "griefing" at any point in the game, even if that kills opportunity for organic pvp. FB themselves have stated they really want to...
  14. PVE is already failing...

    Fixing "PvP" isn't the goal. I'm not even sure what that means. Having an in-game environment that supports a sensical risk/reward equation is the goal. The most profitable money/hour should not be allowed be done in 100% safety, period. Not even by half. Moreover, I should not feel like I have...
  15. PVE is already failing...

    1000% agree on your take on Origin SZ being clearly abusable, charodium seeming to be a little too safe, the need for a line in the sand at some point in the universe where most areas beyond this point have the POSSIBILITY of danger and that can be okay, and the importance of encouraging player...
  16. Should SB devs wipe economy prior to 1.0?

    I agree wipes plural is not the way to go if you can help it, but in this case a singular wipe may be justified at release. There is a massive difference between "balance changes" of a post 1.0 environment and the changes from early alpha to 1.0. Most players constantly remind everyone and the...
  17. Should SB devs wipe economy prior to 1.0?

    Origin is already extremely safe and, seems to me, purpose-built for new players. Having another whole new area for new players seems a bit redundant. What needs to happen is we need to provide incentives for the droves of vets in 500 cargo miners with 20 mining lasers to leave Origin more often...
  18. Should SB devs wipe economy prior to 1.0?

    I was under the impression they made no such unconditional commitment. Players will get upset no matter what as we've seen time and time again after *any* gameplay decision is made -- the important part is understanding the motivation behind the gameplay decision and the reasons for the anger...
  19. Should SB devs wipe economy prior to 1.0?

    Dual Universe had a *lot* of other issues, so it's my contention the wipe wasn't the primary cause of players leaving. Plenty of games wipe when they launch from a beta or EA and there's no large adverse effect. Please try to address people's posts in their entirety that speak to what you say...
  20. Sieges and their effect to PvP

    You're assuming their target is your station AND that said station is within the belt. Again, having to repeat myself. What happens when this contested area is some rich resources or some other POI without a station on it that a CCAP can park near? Is that still cool to you? What about people...