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  1. Bestcoaster

    SZ too profitable

    i've been internally calling this the 'charodium trap'.... there's little economic reason to leave the safezone, it's just a better and safer and easier use of your time to mine charodium en masse. These sz profits are entirely supported by massive direct-to-NPC sales and not participation...
  2. Bestcoaster

    Is pilot vulnerability intended feature?

    I feel this is a pretty reasonable tradeoff to make, and adds some interesting choices to ship design. You can use multiple cockpits as well. On my last ship i had a 'flight bridge' that was exposed and an protected cockpit that had terrible FOV. The big glass plates do protect decently...
  3. Bestcoaster

    Is it me or do others not like the switch to larger devices either?

    I think the ball turret is intended both for large ships and for military capitals. The large grid size makes a lot of sense in that context. Imagine 800-crate armored freighters with plasma drives, large reactors and several ball turrets strategically placed. On military capitals, the ball...
  4. Bestcoaster

    Starbase Progress Notes: Week 36 (2021)

    love the ball turrets! A bit concerned they're deathtraps, but c'est la vie.
  5. Bestcoaster

    Sieges and their effect to PvP

    also lmao at 'it's not *griefing* it's *seal team 6*. totally irrelevant to game design.
  6. Bestcoaster

    Sieges and their effect to PvP

    you need a dock, which is an explicit structure. you can't just use a foundation.
  7. Bestcoaster

    Sieges and their effect to PvP

    the ccaps can't *get* to the 'FOB positions' in the belt without stations. and a single heavy freighter could set up a station with similar capabilities in a couple hours if not less. sure, it could get siege by an MCAP, then you could just set up another one the next day... fundamentally the...
  8. Bestcoaster

    Sieges and their effect to PvP

    If you're spamming dock stations (or building an enormous dock station) what difference do the CCAPs make? Anything CCAPs can do in terms of harassment you could do with the resources you're putting into that station. If someone wants to sit around and ambush your miners or cargo ships outside...
  9. Bestcoaster

    Starbase Progress Notes: Week 35 (2021)

    oh wow, i thought the robot arms were antiquated or not relevant to the 3d printing mechanics. the potential for optimizations is completely crazy. industry players gonna be doing some wacky stuff to optimize build rates. and new territory for ship designers, trying to standardize the parts...
  10. Bestcoaster

    Starbase Roadmap Update 3.9.2021

    i imagine there will be a number of alloys - but the ones we'll need for very basic civilian capitals won't need refineries. Furnaces, maybe.
  11. Bestcoaster

    Starbase Progress Notes: Week 34 (2021)

    Looking forward to be pulled over by Space Cops to check my ship deed. I liked the circle color coded notes, but maybe more colorblind-friendly colors...
  12. Bestcoaster

    Starbase Progress Notes: Week 33 - Capital Ship insight (2021)

    Removing important things in a live game is a dangerous move. It pisses gamers off like nothing else. This would be triply the case with such a central and long-grinded-for mechanic as capital ships. It won't be able to be fixed very easily. I am concerned that the capital ships are just...