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  1. SomeoneLucas

    Starbase Progress Notes: Week 32 (2021)

    I really like the new format, the insight on bigger features is really nice.
  2. SomeoneLucas

    Capital Ships FAQ

    What's the reasoning behind the minimum warp distance? It seems much higher than most distances players would travel in the belt, and would probably just end up with people warping twice to get to wherever they want. EDIT: Question was about outdated info, so it's now irrelevant. Does this also...
  3. SomeoneLucas

    space drag, how to make everyone happy

    One big reason for space drag is game balance. Without drag you could fly huge distances for virtually no cost. This could be counteracted by making fuel tanks smaller, but this would just mean that all kinds of maneuvers are now much more expensive, and maneuvering the belt would be completely...
  4. SomeoneLucas

    Notification About Next Patch: Balance update

    Just for easy comparison, the resource consumption per 10k thrust: Box Thruster Electricity Consumption from 2.8 to 4.2 Propellant Consumption from 0.466 to 0.826 Triangle Thruster Electricity Consumption from 0.5833 to 3.2 Propellant Consumption from 1.167 to 1.238 Maneuver Thruster...
  5. SomeoneLucas

    Notification About Upcoming Patch: Major balance update on thruster resource consumption and rail cannon power usage

    I'll just put the resource consumption per 10k thrust here: Box Thruster Electricity Consumption from 2.8 to 4.2 Propellant Consumption from 0.466 to 0.9908 Triangle Thruster Electricity Consumption from 0.5833 to 4.1 Propellant Consumption from 1.1666 to 1.376 Maneuver Thruster...
  6. SomeoneLucas

    Starbase Progress Notes: Week 46 (2020)

    Those new asteroid concepts are really nice! It should help a lot with finding specific resources in the belt
  7. SomeoneLucas

    Economy the current state and how to do it better

    First of all I just want to say that you are right in the fact that the current economy is bad, and ship prices aren't adjusted for the money you gain from starter jobs, and I have nothing to add to those points. The amount of credits that go into the SSC for manufacturing a ship will of course...
  8. SomeoneLucas

    Notification About Next Patch: Auction House and Fast Travel

    Fast travel was added faster than I expected, I thought we'd have to wait until a few weeks after player stations tbh
  9. SomeoneLucas

    Larger devices instead of hundreds of smaller devices

    The crates look like they have side lengths of 72cm, 144cm, 288cm, 432cm and 576cm respectively, is that correct?
  10. SomeoneLucas

    Starbase Progress Notes: Week 39 (2020)

    Higher progression tiers? This will be interesting.
  11. SomeoneLucas

    Has a recommended internet speed been mentioned?

    A while ago Lauri mentioned on discord that the recommended internet speed would be 20 down 10 up for 100vs100 battles, you would need a higher speed if even more people are in the render distance, and the requirements would be lower if the amount of people around you is low