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  1. DrunkRussianBear

    Argentavian Federation | Achieve Prosperity

    Gotta get those numbers up.
  2. DrunkRussianBear

    LingCORP | an Argentavian owned manufacturing company

    Unnecessary bumping would be like spamming it every couple minutes, bumping a thread back up to the top every few days is usually okay.
  3. DrunkRussianBear

    Argentavian Federation | Achieve Prosperity

    I'm sure the Federal navy will bring in plenty.
  4. DrunkRussianBear

    What would you name your ships and why?

    The AF is still poking around with naming themes but it'll depend on if its a civilian or military ship.
  5. DrunkRussianBear

    What would you name your ships and why?

    This is a perfect idea.
  6. DrunkRussianBear

    Technology of Starbase? What would you like to see?

    I'd love to see spinal rail-guns and some more creative weaponry for players to mess around with.
  7. DrunkRussianBear

    The Starbase Experience

    And then the devs add the rest of the galaxy...
  8. DrunkRussianBear

    The Starbase Experience

    No doubt this will happen.
  9. DrunkRussianBear

    Piracy and Thievery

    On occasion they'll pull in an entire Federal fleet.
  10. DrunkRussianBear

    930 incorporated

    There will be plenty more to come.
  11. DrunkRussianBear

    Argentavian Federation | Achieve Prosperity

    Shoot me a discord message and we'll have a chat.
  12. DrunkRussianBear

    The fall of Kingdom and Empire

    I feel like everyone will take a toll. Most regional economies would be heavily affected except those in the territory of major factions who will feel less of an impact, if played smart an increase in profits and economic activity.