Very good points, I have to say. I'd like to add one more and we've already talked about it with VilleFB; a faction credits account/bank account. So maybe a faction leader could help pay a member something and it would go hand-in-hand with the Member payout and Job system.
I'd really like to...
And don't forget, things like the big space battle weren't some over-the-top-ultra-realistic-ray-traced animations but actual players playing it with reasonable fps, yay
These devs are way more trust worthy than any NMS or SE devs, and they have been working on the game for 5 years before even announcing it, which shows they really care more about the game than the hype and money
My sources say the ship builder, what I see as the main thing to build ships, will not be available right at launch, of course you can put stuff onto your ship like guns, but as far as I know until it's ready we have to work with bought ships from the devs
You'd have to hook it up to their network, which means you'd have to get into their ship. Maybe you could find their frequency and flood their transmitter with useless messages but good luck with that.
That would probably be incorporated with the ship builder itself. If you don't know , there'll be something like a ship designer ingame. But probably not at launch :(
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