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  1. kiiyo

    Paper-thin and Tungsten-heavy: Armor Discussion Thread

    Hello, forums. Let's talk about armor. Currently, we have a selection of different plates available to us, the majority "standard" being a 12cm thick plate, x and z dimensions varying per plate. There are a few "decorative" plates that are 2-6cm thick, but their shape and size range is quite...
  2. kiiyo

    Ideas for rewarding smart ship design

    Ello. New post. I was recently thinking about ways in which smart ship design could be subtly rewarded in-game. This is not a suggestion for some sort of magical feature that tracks "good design" points and then rewards you with "good boy designer" points. Not at all. A more accurate example...
  3. kiiyo

    Let's discuss: Who was the target audience for the EBM?

    Hello, forums. I'd like to start a discussion with you all today. What are your opinions on the design decisions that went into the EBM's implementation? Who was the target audience, in your opinion? Do you support its existence, or are you a fellow SSC supporter? What do you think could be done...
  4. kiiyo

    Away with thruster walls.

    This post was born from a discussion in the main discord's #alpha-feedback channel. The discussion happened on April 1st, around 3:30PM GMT if anyone would like to find it and read it for themselves. The general statement is as follows: Smaller, more powerful and potentially modular thrusters...
  5. kiiyo

    Getting Rid Of The Wait

    As of right now, Starbase (outside of the SSC) largely consists of waiting. A lot of waiting. Summoning the gods of waiting won’t even help here, there’s so much wait to absorb in our economically and spatially overinflated asteroid belt. Getting to a decent distance into the ‘roid field takes...
  6. kiiyo

    Helping larger ships to be more viable

    I'd like to preface this by saying that this is simply my opinion, and it may very well be that I am wrong. If you disagree with anything here, or have anything to say on things like formatting, please do tell me and I will gladly discuss the issue with you and if applicable, do my best to fix...
  7. kiiyo

    Your Local Spaceship Inspiration Den

    Heyo everyone! I've seen many people talk about lack of inspiration for shapes and details of spaceships, so I decided to make a Pinterest board to help everyone out. --- You can find the board here. --- Here you can scroll down to see a whole bunch of images I collected from all over Pinterest...