
  1. Apokh

    Ꮗarpt mit uns in den Feierabend ➠ Տ₸OℝᗰPΘΘPEℝՏ

    - Eingehende Nachricht - Vor langer Zeit, in einer fernen Galaxie... war plötzlich das Klopapier aus. Der Imperator schickte daraufhin ein Elitekommando seiner Sturmtruppen in die äußeren Kolonien. Ihr Auftrag: das weichste, recycelte 4 lagige Toilettenpapier des Imperiums ausfindig zu...
  2. Maviodas

    [GRC] Gray Raven Consensus

    The GRC is Officially an Empire Company; Effective date 8/14/2021 For information on how to join, feel free to DM Maviodas on the Forums. For a quicker reply DM via Discord @Mavi#5127 Ensure you include why you want to join & how you learned about us in your message, thank you! ABOUT GRC: (NA...
  3. StrykerSnow

    Space Force (SpF) - Looking for inexperienced pilots!

    Hey Folks! Space Force was originally a corp based in EVE, and are starting our Starbase branch. We were founded on the idea of being a casual community that was inclusive to everyone, looked out for each other, and focused on helping newer players learn. We ran weekly fleets such as our...