
  1. Starbase Polish community (Starbase Polska)

    When you aren't a polish or you don't know polish language you don't need to read text under this line. Jako iż Starbase to świeża gra, to postanowiłem stworzyć polską społeczność Starbase. Szukając po Internecie, nie znalazłem jeszcze żadnej, więc myślę, że nikt nie będzie mnie oskarżał o...
  2. GooseMan-HonkDealer

    The Woe of the Renegades/ Are the Villains of the Free-Space at risk?

    Star Base faces a hidden threat. A faceless opponent that will likely affect the nature of conflict and commerce in the free space as a whole and the immediate future of the game. It is a deep-rooted and well-hidden type of danger, one that remains under the surface of all player interactions...
  3. Zorkry

    [EU] [ES] Cuervos de la Tormenta
