new player friendly

  1. The Final Verdict needs you!

    We are a small company with about 6 very active members, and several stations going hundreds of kilometers into the belt. If you need a company to join or just people to play the game with then respond to this thread!
  2. Why Exponential growth and mining lasers could be very bad

    Who doesn't want infinite stuff? Well you don't. The nature of this game is that resources are limited. Replacing a ship is meant to take time and effort, almost as much as building the first one. Certainly there are games where assembling your design is easy, but there is every indication that...
  3. Curze

    Dominus Company

    This group is in early stages and I'm looking to get some real motivated individuals to start up. If interested plaese reach me on my discord. I hope we can build something great in due time. Xal#2906 username, Discord link is, EDIT: game is in release now, I still...
  4. StrykerSnow

    Space Force (SpF) - Looking for inexperienced pilots!

    Hey Folks! Space Force was originally a corp based in EVE, and are starting our Starbase branch. We were founded on the idea of being a casual community that was inclusive to everyone, looked out for each other, and focused on helping newer players learn. We ran weekly fleets such as our...