Arena gamemode

May 19, 2020
Hey guys! Just wondering if an arena gamemode - somewhere where you can test out your designs in 1x1, 2x2, etc. without the consequences of losing your ships - is in the works/and or planned?

If not, what's your take on it?

Being a big fan of From the depths/SE/etc., I know I'd love to have something of the sorts - the damage model in Starbase is absolutely gorgeous and it's a bit of a shame that the only way to really experiment it right now is gated behind pvp outside of the safe zones - and comes with the big risk of losing your ship.

To be more precise, I'm not talking about matchmaking or an actual in/out arcade, more so something in line of being able to go to the test mode with a buddy and the ability to test multiple designs simultaneously - and stage our own mock battles/resistances tests and what not.

(Crossposted from reddit - Arena gamemode : starbase ( )
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