So lately there's been quite a few threads going around arguing about various things. This ranges from warp gates to logging out away from a station. But all these topics fall under the category of exploration. To put it simply, the community doesn't want to be stuck at the safezones.
So we want to expand outward. How do we do this? We have to fly out there, but what will we do once we are "out there." We can mine of course, and we can do some shipbuilding. But quite frankly we can't do long term expeditions out there without stations. Unless it has changed, stations are not going to be able to be built by players at EA release. Some ideas to circumvent this were massive long range ships, but having these ships is difficult because organizing the large crew necessary is difficult. As well as logging-out discussions, these concerns of mine make me think that we will be somewhat limited to fairly close to the safezone.
Oh yeah warp gates, they can wait. I'm more concerned about stations.
So we want to expand outward. How do we do this? We have to fly out there, but what will we do once we are "out there." We can mine of course, and we can do some shipbuilding. But quite frankly we can't do long term expeditions out there without stations. Unless it has changed, stations are not going to be able to be built by players at EA release. Some ideas to circumvent this were massive long range ships, but having these ships is difficult because organizing the large crew necessary is difficult. As well as logging-out discussions, these concerns of mine make me think that we will be somewhat limited to fairly close to the safezone.
Oh yeah warp gates, they can wait. I'm more concerned about stations.