Join the Freelance Operatives of XenoCow today!
The universe can often be a hard place for a lone endo. However, some of the factions and companies that offer membership can be equally challenging due to the commitments required. What's an endo to do that wants to live free? Jobs can be hard to find, so we're here to make it easier. Not only can members of F.O.X. find jobs and meet clients, but they can request the help of fellow F.O.X. members when the job is too big for one endo alone.
Membership is not limited to freelance endos! If you want a job done, the job board is be the best place to post your jobs. Additionally, we have a dossier of members (employers and freelancers) that let you find the right endo for the job. If you end up being rated too low, maybe it's time to ask for some help or to put on a smile for the clients.
We look forward to working with you!
Wiki Page: Click here to READ more
Discord Group:

The universe can often be a hard place for a lone endo. However, some of the factions and companies that offer membership can be equally challenging due to the commitments required. What's an endo to do that wants to live free? Jobs can be hard to find, so we're here to make it easier. Not only can members of F.O.X. find jobs and meet clients, but they can request the help of fellow F.O.X. members when the job is too big for one endo alone.
Membership is not limited to freelance endos! If you want a job done, the job board is be the best place to post your jobs. Additionally, we have a dossier of members (employers and freelancers) that let you find the right endo for the job. If you end up being rated too low, maybe it's time to ask for some help or to put on a smile for the clients.
- What is the point of this group when I can just get jobs from the general Starbase Discord chat? Although you can get jobs from the general Starbase discord chat, there are often many other conversations going on. This organization's server allows members to have a dedicated, uncluttered, job posting list.
- What can I get from this group that I couldn't find elsewhere? One of the main benefits of joining this group is that you get to have a place to post your bio as a freelance player. After you express your interest in a job on #job-listings , the employer will be able to search for your bio in the list, along with any other interested parties in #member-reviews to see who looks like a better deal based on equipment and ratings.
- Will this group ever have a base? Likely not, although eventually we might set up an office.
We look forward to working with you!
Wiki Page: Click here to READ more
Discord Group:

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