

Learned-to-sprint endo
Jul 16, 2021
Hello dear FrozenDevs!

The game does not have something like that yet, but I really want to get it. The fact is that FCU can be very buggy (especially for non-standard configurations) and this is good, because FCU is for the entry level (reducing the threshold for entering the game). But those who have already learned the game and want to implement more complex ships cannot solve such problems, because FCU does not correctly calculate the resulting vector (more precisely, not the way I want). A gyroscope would solve all the problems. The player must be able to install a gyroscope on the ship and connect it to the ship's network. Next, using YO LOL, remove the deviation angle indicators from the gyroscope relative to the initial position in which the player fixed the geroscope. The fixation of the gyroscope by the player can be done through a universal tool by setting the corresponding value of the gyroscope to "1" (for example). Having a deflection angle on the geroscope, the player can automatically adjust the thrust of the trasters through
YOLOL programs for solving the problem of ship stabilization along the course.

Is it possible? Are you planning such an innovation?

P.S. A gyroscope would also simplify the solution of the problem of determining the current course of the ship (the orientation of the ship in space). Or rather, I would make it more realistic. Today, all modern aircraft and helicopters use geroscopes. It is strange that this device is still not in the game

P.S. In general, I would like to see more similar devices and corresponding mechanics in the game to solve problems of survival in space. Because this is the main difference of this game from all the others.

Elite Dangerous???? Try to shed 500 km in Starbase, bro!