How can Contracts work?

Jul 3, 2021
I've noticed that some Endos want to work as mercenaries or other service providers in Starbase.
But how do they want to be paid, how are they paid and, above all, what should a contract look like?

I wanted to initiate a discussion here to answer this question:)

1. The classic money transfer

The easiest way to implement, however, is based on the fact that the contractual partner is honest and pays.
A like or honor system could help, but you take a look on Youtube or amazon,
you will notice that this is nothing you can rely on.

2. Condition driven contracts

Ok i have to explain first what i mean.
To define a Contract you have a Task that you want to achieve with certain conditions for example:

Task: Mine Support
Duration: 3 Hours
Max contractors: 5
Start: Monday 18:00
Position: x500, y100, z89
Condition 1: Participants Weapon Power < 10 Slots
Condition 2: Miner Ship Health < 50%
Reward: 20% Mining resources

Please don't pin me down on details, this is more conceptional and you could of course add much more to this.

The plan would be to offer this on an Taskboard where people can accept the task.
The task begins like an event at the defined time an every participant will be added to a group.

The Health condition could be tracked with the voxelsize of the the ship at start and at the end of the contract.
I have taken health cause i am not sure how difficult it is to track if a ship is able to fly or at least is
functional at the end.

Ok the time is up asteroids are mined or not. Now how will the participants get their payment.
Everyone get their share of the cargo distributed among every participant.
For Example: A Party of 4 contractors would get 5% of the mined resources.

With this, the risk vs reward is always balanced even if you go further into the belt to mine more rare resources.

The transfer starts either if the contract time is up or the ship enters a defined base or location.
the easiest way would be to send the payment to a station specified by the contractor.

This could also work with faction wars.

You can create a contract that every person who destroys a certain mount of Voxelvolume of a certain faction or person will
get a certain reward.
You can make a global Bounty and it does not matter whoever kills the target or his ship will get the reward.

3. Simple quest contracts

Ok this is more a typical MMO Way to handle contracts but i dont see a good way to handle escort missions.

You create a contract like:

I want: 100 Bastium
Reward: 5000E

I want: Destroy 1.000.000 Empire Voxel.
Reward: 500 Bastium

I want: Endo BoB destroyed 5x
Reward: Ship Hype-Van

The rule is first come first serve.

Ok i think this is all i have for now. Whats your opinion about contracts and how can it work in Starbase?