Moon Belt Ymrium/Lukium distribution observation

Sep 4, 2021
So, I have travelled a few times forth and back to the Moon Belt and it always manifested itself to me that the asteroids in a certain area contain either Lukium or Ymrium but never both ores at the same location. Also, Bastium and Vokarium seem to appear only where either Lukium or Ymrium exist (respectively).
So, the obvious assumption is that (other than presumably in the Eos Belt), Ores aren't uniformly distributed throughout the Moon Belt but actually appear exclusively in their own zones/patches.
Another explanation could obviously be that someone already stripped the area of all valuable ore (which I think is unlikely).
Have you made similar experiences with moon Mining?
Let me know!
Aug 28, 2021
You should have a look at my Eos Ring Ore Guide in my signature below. I've meticulously mapped out each "zone" on that belt along the ISAN "z" axis near 0 on x and y. It was very time consuming figuring all of this out and I'm sure I've made a few mistakes/oversights which I plan to correct in later versions as I discover them but I'm 100% certain that ores are not evenly distributed in the Eos belt as you presume.

Thanks for the pointers regarding the moon belt though! Mapping that out will be my next major project as soon as I'm done mapping out the reaches of the safe zone on EOS. Interesting fact: I've recently confirmed the Eos safe zone border to be ~485km at the edge of the belt along the ISAN "x" axis while entering the belt and near 0 on "y". This means the total "width" of the safe zone is nearly 1000km!
Sep 4, 2021
Oh wow, I wasn't aware of your work. I will check it out!
Thanks for sharing your insights here!

Edit: I think you might have misinterpreted my statement about uniform distribution of ores in the Eos belt.
I am actually quite aware of the 5 Ore Zone Rings. My Question however is whether WITHIN these ring Zones ALONG the belt all ore is distributed uniformly or not.
Say, in Zone 5, you may find two rare Ores, Kutonium and Corazium. Now, within that Zone, is the probability of finding these Ores uniformly distributed throughout the whole zone or not? And if not, are these Ores organized in larger patches or fields/"zones" of abundance?
Because to me, it seems like that the latter is the case in the Moon Belt regarding the two rare Ores Ymrium and Lukium.
In the Eos Belt however it appeared to me as though the distribution within the respective zone is uniform.
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Active endo
Sep 16, 2021
I have only recently started deep moon belt mining, but my early results do agree with your observations.

In particular, I've fairly carefully scoured maybe ~10^3km volume of moon zone 3, and *only* found Lukium (~50 stacks, iirc). Not a single Ymrium rock. I had literally given up on finding the stuff.

I'll have to relocate and try again to further test this. Appreciate sharing the observation!


Well-known endo
Aug 19, 2021
Ores appear in their fields. Each field contains its own set of resources. This is how I recently got into the field with Cutonium. Also in zone 5 it is very clearly visible that there are fields with a Karnite, and there are fields with a Charodium
Sep 4, 2021
Ahh, I see what you mean now. Gonna have to add some more sciencing on my to-do list to figure this out haha
I am might do some research on that myself. I'll let you know if I find out anything about it.
I have only recently started deep moon belt mining, but my early results do agree with your observations.

In particular, I've fairly carefully scoured maybe ~10^3km volume of moon zone 3, and *only* found Lukium (~50 stacks, iirc). Not a single Ymrium rock. I had literally given up on finding the stuff.
I'll have to relocate and try again to further test this. Appreciate sharing the observation!
Thanks for sharing your observation as well. I found Ymrium about 100km to the right of the rightmost visible player station in the moon belt. Maybe it'll give you somewhere to start!

Ores appear in their fields. Each field contains its own set of resources. This is how I recently got into the field with Cutonium. Also in zone 5 it is very clearly visible that there are fields with a Karnite, and there are fields with a Charodium
I will keep that in mind. Thank you for the information!