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Description: We are the faction based entirely on the Warhammer 40k Necron lore. As such our hunger for power and land claim is unquenchable.
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Crypteks- A Cryptek is one of the technologists and engineers of the Necron species, and they are responsible for studying and maintaining the technology of the Necron dynasties. A Cryptek's powers mirror that of the psykers found amongst the other intelligent species of the galaxy. All Crypteks possess a level of genius that makes the finest minds of humanity appear drooling simpletons by comparison.
Warriors- Necron Warriors consist as the major fighting force inside the Necron Army. Silent as the grave, Necron Warriors move with slow, erratic, yet exacting movements. Despite this sluggishness, Warriors are capable of great accuracy at range and devastating blows up close. The rank and file of the Necron armies are the Necron Warriors. These Warriors are capable of great accuracy at range and devastating blows up close, they are also very gifted pilots.
Necron Overlords- are brilliant strategists, capable of calculating every possible outcome in a conflict and formulating strategies to ensure that everything goes to plan. Only the most unlikely of tactical or strategic situations can baffle a Necron Overlord and only the most potent foes have any chance of beating one in combat. Leaders of Warriors and clad in the ancient and powerful battle gear of such potency it might seem the product of magic rather than science. (Necron Overlords are handpicked, but is still path to strive for if you are a talented player)
Rally into our ranks, all members that join are awoke from a stasis slumber. The first warrior rised and is archived in our own personal faction wiki. This archive shall marks all important events.
Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of their people!
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