Need for Avocation: Pirates, Mercenaries, and the Renegades of Starbase

May 15, 2020
For anyone I haven't relayed this to. I am currently writing an article for the forums and other areas of the starbase community to read, on the avocation of Renegade faction types like Pirates and Mercs
If you guys have any concerns or issues you feel should be addressed for the future of these group types, please let me know so I may include them in some manner in the article, or even afterwards for any debates that will arise afterwards.
I'm currently at 5 pages of content on a document and not even halfway finished with my own views and concerns.
I intend for this to be treated as a community discussion, and to help change persuasions and viewpoints over the matter at hand.
This article is not to preach for intervention or incentive of the Frozenbyte Devs, but to call upon the community itself and its players for change.
(I will also dismiss and actively avoid arguments that make ample use of divisive terms such as “Builder Bobs” and “Care Bears” as that shows to me that you do not take this in earnest)