RE: Ship improvements

Jun 7, 2020
This is a brief post bringing forth some issues/ideas that are relevant to combat balancing in regards to large ships.

There are a number of issues that prevent the use of multi-crew/large ships in Starbase, but I believe that it could be possible. In PVP combat sandboxes, its very common for people to build/use whatever is the most absolutely efficient craft to complete the most basic tasks, the two which only matter is simply to have maximum potential for attack, and maximum potential for defence. Anything beyond it is fluff and gets in the way of completing the two tasks that matter, due to the primitive nature of the sandbox and environment crafts live in the results can be really ugly.

First and foremost, the survivability of large ships are very poor, compared to things like dedicated fighters. Naturally in Starbase things are damaged and break off from getting shot as is intentionally designed, but because of the phenomenon of 'Meta' armour, it draws an enormous contrast to ships that don't effectively utilize 'Meta'.

Large/Multicrew ships need to be protected from all angles due to their size, speed and maneuverability. Part of 'Meta' armour involves directional placement which is much easier to deal with on smaller fighter craft that only need to face incoming fire.

Large/Multicrew ships cannot be completely armoured, there is simply not enough building budget to effectively do this, and because of quirks of the combat system, utilizing Magic HP and voxel armour on these ships is not straight forward at all. Its janky and frustrating to make, and ultimately looks like shit.
The smart answer is to compartmentalize and armour only critical sections, while its kind of the only answer, it doesn't ultimately provide the breakthrough large ships need to be viable.

The combat system and Armour metas in starbase are already a siginificant problem and need to addressed. I'm not going to go into great detail about this, but there is one simple suggestion. Refer to Figure 1. This test shows that singular pieces are MUCH more effective at preventing penetration. All elements in this test are Oninum (the material isn't important here, it just needs to be the same) and all elements have their Magic HP removed. Element A is a column consisting of 12cm sticks, while Element B is a single piece. As you can see there is a drastic difference in penetration depth between the two despite it being the same material and effective depth.
The current damage system has too much focus on singular pieces which doesn't make a lot of sense since ships consist of so many pieces.

The proposed solution is that either testing element would of had the same penetration depth. This would allow for a significant improvement in freeform armour design, that isn't slaved to un-creative specifics. That in itself would remove almost all of what makes up the identity of the current armour 'Meta' (alongside the removal of Magic HP)

while this will have a large effect on the typical fighter design, it will also allow for the easier design of effective compartmentalized amour on large ships. For example, a Large ship with much thrust and power available can afford to have sections that are armoured beyond the limits of standard weapons.

Armour is a crucial component of Large ships. By design they're a large target, and consist of more critical components than smaller ships. They also typically need to be flown gently in order for gunners to be effective. There's no possibility of Large ships being viable if this isn't addressed.

Torpedoes and rockets have been such an oddball device since the beginning, as cool as they are they are crazy stupid and unbalanced.
Normal use of a torpedo flying and hitting a target itself creates a very large explosion that literally deletes everything in a sphere, it's an insanely cheap way to disable/destroy a very expensive large ship.
Dumb fire torpedoes are pretty hit and miss, however since large ships are pretty slow it's not too difficult to hit one.
Inventory torpedoes are the most stupid and insanely unbalanced thing ever, essentially pocket torpedoes that are launched out of the inventory, far easier to aim and launch than a moving ship and are a huge threat.
Tracking torpedoes are insanely unreliable. Keeping a laser designator on target is a lot harder than one would expect. Even if the target isn't moving, a tracking torpedo would completely miss the target because the tracking does not account for drift, so the torpedo simply drifts in circles around the target (funny to look at)
Kamikaze ships are a good use of torpedo warheads. Instead of using an actual torpedo, a warhead is strapped to a scooter and is manually rammed into a ship.
All in all torpedoes are an incredibly cheap way to destroy expensive ships, If the above armour fix makes Large ships perfectly viable, torpedoes are next inline to kill the idea of Large ships in the crib. The normal expected uses for torpedoes suck, and the unconventional uses are hilariously unbalanced and effective.

Reign in the crazy stunts by preventing handheld/inventory use, and just getting rid of modular torpedo pieces. Double the size of torpedoes, halve the explosion radius, and remove drift.
These bastards are kind of hard to balance since they're so deadly, so I'm not totally sure about torps.

What can Large/Multicrew Ships even do? What's the point... These machines typically make for a really enjoyable group experience. But if they're useless, they'll never see the light of day. Larger ships are typically capable of many things, but in this case I'll be talking combat specifically. Normally a Multicrew ship is considered a gunship as players are placed into turrets. Why place people into turrets instead of smaller ships? With a Multicrew ship that now has the possibility of exceeding the durability and capability of smaller ships so it can at least have a reason to exist, we look at providing ways that a multicrew ship can make an effect.

First and foremost the ability to deal out effective damage in any situation, with the exclusive use of torpedoes and weapons. Turrets are the most obvious way that a Multicrew Ship exhibits this ability.
Currently, the turrets that we have are awful. They are weak, cumbersome, difficult to control. The worst part of it all, is that all turrets are hosted by the pilot or whoever is nominated to host. This results in lag while using a turret. So forget about being a fat vulnerable wart on the side of a ship, you're also completely useless, good luck working that thing effectively.
The introduction of tripods were a great first step. In the beginning they were quite OP, being as powerful as ship mounted weapons with the hugely advantageous mechanic of being mouse controlled, and hosted by the gunner for no lag use.
Now they're only really decent against endo's, and thats ok. Multicrew ships need some real turrets. This was proposed in the form of Ball turrets, which were glass covered emplacements of ship-grade weapons that were mouse controlled and hosted by the gunner. Big ups on this!
I can't find the concept art for it anywhere, but I remember what they look like and they seem quite large and cumbersome. It would be nice if they were smaller.

The current roster of the 4 weapons we have is limited. 4 weapons only isn't much at all but it hasn't been bad.
I'll assume that there will be ball turret variants that have each of the 4 weapons, but I'd like to propose the addition of a weapon that specifically exists for larger ships to deal with smaller ones, Flak.
Looking at the current Flak model, it looks kind of like a machinegun. We already have auto/lasercannons, so ditch that old Flak concept and go for a more truer Flak, a large caliber proximity explosive launcher. This would dramatically improve the survivability of Multicrew ships by giving them good strong teeth. Gunner hosted mouse controlled turrets are an excellent boon for Multicrew ships, but some more exclusive large weapons will do well to solidify the identity and real tangible role of Multicrew Ship.

There are some other things to consider to make these beasts not only viable but desired.
Support: reconstruction machines can make these ships more self sufficient and a force projecting element of any battlefield.
Boarding: due to the LOD changes now boarding is a real possibility, with better balance in armour and crap nicer and more practical designs will be possible, and it will be fun to consider such things when building large ships.
Performance issues: I think further improvements need to be made here, large ships loaded in are very performance heavy.

That's as much as I can be bothered typing for now.



Master endo
Aug 9, 2019
absolutely agree something needs to be done and i too think it starts with armour.

Im also no fan of the magic and invisable HP, but i think you analysis of figure 1 is wrong, the bigger piece works because of 2 things, 1 MINIMUM HP, you cant remove this, secondly the depth of the piece diminishes damage, even a 6cm wide piece just as long would probably have a similar or the same depth of damage.
It is the depth calculation that is partt of the problem and why the frontal meta is why it is.

I think if all touching armour merged the same way as blocks in Space Engineers did then we wouldnt need to worry about it as much.
Im pretty sure the hidden HP was added for performance reasons as too not have too much stuff with voxel damage, because i see no other reason to have this at all when it would work just as well as no magic hp and and have stronger damage mitigation instead, not only would this look more cool, it would certainly make battles more interesting and not only stop huge plates just suddenly becoming useless after the hp is gone, but completely negate the need for using large plates over small.

overall i think this is a design and technical problem and if Ville is still around id love for him to chime in on some of the limitations so we can brainstorm around it. we need more info to help more effectively

I also think fixing the armour is a must before any changes to weapons is needed

Edit: i found an old thread that may be of use with info in for you:
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Jun 7, 2020
absolutely agree something needs to be done and i too think it starts with armour.

Im also no fan of the magic and invisable HP, but i think you analysis of figure 1 is wrong, the bigger piece works because of 2 things, 1 MINIMUM HP, you cant remove this, secondly the depth of the piece diminishes damage, even a 6cm wide piece just as long would probably have a similar or the same depth of damage.
It is the depth calculation that is partt of the problem and why the frontal meta is why it is.

I think if all touching armour merged the same way as blocks in Space Engineers did then we wouldnt need to worry about it as much.
Im pretty sure the hidden HP was added for performance reasons as too not have too much stuff with voxel damage, because i see no other reason to have this at all when it would work just as well as no magic hp and and have stronger damage mitigation instead, not only would this look more cool, it would certainly make battles more interesting and not only stop huge plates just suddenly becoming useless after the hp is gone, but completely negate the need for using large plates over small.

overall i think this is a design and technical problem and if Ville is still around id love for him to chime in on some of the limitations so we can brainstorm around it. we need more info to help more effectively

I also think fixing the armour is a must before any changes to weapons is needed

Edit: i found an old thread that may be of use with info in for you:
Thanks for the old thread its interesting stuff. As for the minimum armour values, min and max armour values are only related to magic hp.

I'm not sure how a minumum armour value would affect either element, the penetration depths are exactly the same no matter what shape or size plate you use, its just that B used a plate big enough to show how far a laser gets into a single piece.
Jun 7, 2020
Firstly, how our plates work in game right now. They come in predetermined 12cm thickness across the board and only decorative plates and triangle plates offer other thicknesses (of course you can also layer plates in other angles, but that's not always possible). I'm not saying that it's impossible to introduce other thicknesses, but without also including features like allowing plate thickness to be adjusted in editor; lets say in increments of 1 centimeter. That would open door for thickness based armor system, but it also brings up other issues if we go fully realistic armor model. Mainly problems where weapon fire would be deflected after certain threshold of armor thickness is achieved. And with current limited amount of weapon options available, it would mean that rail cannons and plasma cannons would become only options to penetrate heavily armored ship cores and such complex armor system would require us to introduce more ship weapon variance to solve different armor thicknesses (and armor material variations). Not impossible future, but there's a lot of variables and fronts where change would be needed and not even starting with testing if such system would even be fun in practice.
This is a quote pulled from that thread. I like Ville's idea of being able to adjust the thickness of plates in the editor.

Ville expresses concern over going for a realistic thickness based damage model, because then only railguns/plasmas would be viable in penetrating thickly armoured ship cores, and an array of weapons would need to be introduced to solve these different armour thicknesses.

It's unfortunate that all of the problems already exist without even implementing such realistic damage model. Not only are railguns the only ones capable of breaking through current meta ships easier, but they can also be totally stopped by the same un-realistic damage model.

It's so difficult to design a system like this that works, is balanced and fun. There are no constraints for builds, a builder will make something as large/tanky as they want, and there aren't any limitations or constraints. Typically you'd assume a ship that opts for near invincibility armour status has to make sacrifices in places like speed or power, but the balance just isn't there yet. And on top of that, you'd be balancing for the super concentrated egg style hyper efficient armour buttplugs, and not anything else.

For myself, if I had to design a section of armour it's purpose built to be resiliant enough for certain weapons, knowing how they work.
the 99% of ships that are made in meta style, are heaped with armour ontop of armour just because it can be. Armour is cheap, easily exploited, easily made, and its the one element that does 90% of the legwork in a fight.
It's the exact problem that Ville wants to avoid, without even making a realistic damage model.

I'm sure there are many ways to skin this cat, but it's not going to be easy. I wonder what the remaining team at FB are going to cook up.
Sep 4, 2021
It seems that the damage model was reverted back to how it currently is in Live Server. For the brief time it lasted, the new model looked much better.

If the main issue is performance due to lots of voxel damage calculations needed, maybe sensibly reducing the rate of fire of ship weapons, and the amount of those present on ships in the first place, would help to constrain the load enough?
Instead of 20-30 laser cannons per ship shooting 6 shots per second each, it might be "organically" reduced to 10-15 cannons shooting 3-4 shots/sec each. So instead of 120 shots per second only 30 would need to be calculated for example.

Heat mechanics and heat sinks already achieve to some extent limiting the number of weapons that a ship can support by requiring some space for them. Similarly other soft restrictions could be implemented like reducing the ammo capacity on weapon mags (100-150 for Autocannon). This would enforce the space allocation of ammo storages (convenient shapes similar to those of heat sinks would be much better than current one).

One thought on HP based armor. How about having every plate contribute to a single HP pool (that is divided by ship total mass to keep some proportion) so there is no real difference between small and big ones.

Also, considering small or unoptimized medium ships that dont use big plates, dont they already suffer/cause the problem of having every shot penetrate them and deal voxel damage?


Well-known endo
Oct 12, 2021
Interesting topic with good feedback and ideas.

Regarding variable-size armour plates, Lauri has stated on discord that this is something they can't do.

As to torpedoes - perhaps the warheads need to be adjusted so that they are only really effective against stations, and do much less damage to ships. Perhaps if the damage is imparted as more of a shockwave, so ships can absorb it by being knocked off course, but fixed stationary objects will just get smashed.
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