Ronin Industries - Choose the Honorable Path


New endo
Sep 3, 2019
Welcome to Ronin Industries,

Ronin Industries is a ship construction and mercenary organization that focuses on supporting players with busy IRL schedules. In the future as the company continues to grow we will provide accommodations as well as resources, so busy players do not have to spend all their time grinding out credits. If you have a lot of time for the game you are welcome as well. We want to provide a fun experience for our members without the hassle of regular attendance requirements.

Our eventual goal is to become infamous warriors with no masters but ourselves, with a strong sense of loyalty and pride to each other. Eventually we will make our namesake proud.

We will be fairly casual players with a splash of seriousness. We follow a code of honor to ourselves and our friends. In the war we take the side that pays us until they prove they have no honor. We have no love of politics, only honor.

We are currently looking for engineers, YOLOL programmers, soldiers, miners and someone who knows some graphic design. (However until we can gather enough resources, everyone will have to do some mining.)

Join us today, join the side of honor.

(we are currently building our company so we would appreciate any advice)
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