Small Rechargeable Battery & Utility Tool and Rail Cannon Capacitor // Uncharged

Feb 4, 2022
The Small rechargeable battery and the Utility tool and rail cannon capacitor are delivered to your inventory uncharged when you craft them with a basic crafting bench.

When you purchase a ship from an Origin Ship Store, you are given the option to "use parts in storage." Crafting parts in advance of purchasing a ship does two things. It lowers the cost of the ship and it gives you crafting experience. But because these two items are crafted in an uncharged state, you are not allowed to use them as parts for your new ship. There is a work around, you can bolt them into an existing ship and then charge them up, and then unbolt them and put them back in your inventory. This works, but it is a pain.

So I would like to suggest that when you craft these two items, they are delivered to your inventory charged and ready. Or adjust the requirements for "using parts in your storage" so that an uncharged part is acceptable.
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