4. Be unable to actually pull the tank off, because holder/pipes are in the way.
It should not be a problem. Using the bolt tool, you can use the autobolt (keep press right click) to automatically remove the bolts on the tank. It does not matter if there is a pipe or something in front of the tank. You can detach it and grab it with E and then take it to your inventory with P.
You may have problems if there are pipes or cables being placed directly on the tank, I did not test it to be honest. I would not recommend to do that with any ship part you may need to replace on a daily basis.
Of course, you can also use the autobolt to put the bolts again (keep press left click). If you point to the tank when removing the bolts, it should remove only the bolts that are holding the tank to the support.
I changed propellant tanks several times and I usually do it in that way.
The complete process would be:
1. - Remove the bolts of the tank (autobolt).
2. - Grab the tank with E.
3. - Take it to the inventory with P.
4. - Craft the refill.
5. - Take the tank out of the inventory to place it again (make sure that the snapping is enabled with C).
6. - Place the tank.
7. - Bolt it to the support. I like to do this manually, it only requires two bolts.
Hope it helps!