PTU Update 20.8.2021 (PTU Build 564)


Aug 9, 2019
PTU Update 20.8.2021 (PTU Build 566)
Patch type: Major

Major Features

  • Health Bar
  • Players gradually heal when inside a Safe Zone
  • New Market Station added over 300 km deep into the belt, includes:
    • Auction House and very low 2% tax. This AH is not connected to Origin AH's.
    • All ship shops
    • Easy Build Hall
    • Ship Design Workshop
    • Refill stations
    • Insurance transfer with limited 100 km range
    • 50 km permanent safe zone
    • Notes:
      • This station does not buy ore or items. It's only ment for player trading.
      • The station is located in the bottom area of the belt. You need to be mid-way from Origins to get the transponder to show, at approximately 200 km out.
      • The station is located in the area free of player stations. Please do not try to establish a player station in its area on the live server, as such stations will get moved.
      • There will initially be asteroids inside the safe zone. This is intended, as players seeking a brief refuge for mining can mine in safety until the asteroids are depleted. Note that you need to first get to the station to benefit from this. Also the station is not located in the highest tier asteroid zone.
  • Moon mining
    • Works outside safe zones with pickaxe, mining laser, rocket launcher and remote explosive
    • Gives valkite when mining
    • Does not save progress yet or update to other players (the server is still under work, and the main idea is to test out how the mining works for players)
  • New moon 1 ground level, ground shapes and textures
  • Moon city now has three limited range (100 km) insurance transfer terminals, located at the main city entrance, at the main flight port and at the tournament memorial
  • Moon bases. To establish a base:
    1. Craft a Moon Base Foundation (outside safe zone) from "Public Test Universe" -crafting menu
    2. Go 300 meters outside of the city safe zone and 300 meters away from other stations
    3. Have the module in your quickbar, and activate module placement from quickbar
    4. Place the module on desired height with M1 or E
    5. Press the button on top of the module. If placement is too close to others, you can pick up the module with P
    6. Once base is established you may collect ore to it's inventory and beging crafting the base
    7. You will need Moon Base Support Leg Modules to expand the station further at the build area
  • Capital Ship docks parts
    • Used to build docks where you can build a Capital Ship. Docks are built on stations.
  • Capital Ship frame and block modules
    • Frame modules can be used to build the frame of the ship, and block modules for the exterior
    • Also other station parts can be used within the capital ship as non-structural parts
    • Note: does not include any Capital Ship devices yet, thus it's only possible to test out the frame shapes, not to actually build a functional Capital Ship
  • Alium and Baltium alloys for Capital Ship construction
PTU only:

  • All players have full research trees in addition to free money and infinite ores/alloys
  • PTU-only research tree and crafting menu allows testing parts which are not yet in the actual research tree
  • Added Basic Crafting Bench and all of its upgrades, and Advanced Crafting Bench to inventory cheat tab for PTU players

  • Fixed 1st person Pipe Tool fire animation not activating correctly
  • Fixed animation not activating correctly when removing a weapon from a Tripod
  • Fixed legs not animating correctly during movement when firing the Shotgun
  • Fixed sprint animation looking wrong when equipped with Tripod autocannon

  • Added UI sounds for Pilot Chair bind menu
  • Added missing sounds for Auction House UI
  • Fixed incorrect window closing sounds when the Research Tree hadn't been visible
  • New Audio Signal Device sounds
  • Toned down environmental noise when player is working in an in-game editor
Capital Ships

  • Added Capital Ship construction
    • Capital Ship docks parts
    • Capital Ship frame and block modules
  • Added Alium and Baltium alloys for Capital Ship construction

  • Fixed an issue that caused creating company ranks to fail for new companies

  • Added "Frames" sub-category under the "Station modules" category
  • Added Hinge B 48x48 CM to hinges & hatches node
  • Categorised all current station modules
  • Fixed not being able to craft Full or Refill versions of Propellant Tanks
  • Fixed not being able to craft Solar Panels or Solar Panel Light Sensors
  • Prevented crafting in Ship Designer test mode

  • Fixed Utility Body bolt profile issue where it couldn't bolt properly
  • Plasma Thruster base propellant consumption reduced from 290 to 248

  • Players gradually heal when inside a Safe Zone

  • "Despawn Ship" -text was changed to "Store Ship" in the ship despawn menu
  • A few changes to Settings menu description texts
  • Added Health Bar

  • Added Moon mining
  • Added new moon terrain, rotated the moon and raised the City above the ground
  • The city should now have longer "beam legs", i.e. it shouldn't float
  • New moon 1 ground level, ground shapes and textures
  • Moon city now has three limited range (100 km) insurance transfer terminals, located at the city main entrance, at the main flight port and at the tournament memorial
Moon Bases

  • Added Moon bases

  • Fixed anyone being able to manipulate company owned ships in Safe Zones
  • Changed Tengium beams to Bastium on The Mako
  • Added description for:
    • A-Frame
    • Akantha EVO
    • Apis
    • Barrow40
    • Blood Hound V2 Auto
    • Blood Hound V2 Laser
    • Blood Hound V2 Plasma
    • Buzzard
    • Cyclone
    • Dart MKI
    • FRS Smooth
    • Fal-4F3L
    • Fire Scarab
    • Huginn
    • K9-Kalman
    • Leoforeio
    • Mantis (1)
    • Mantis (2)
    • Muninn
    • Svafa A
    • The Mako
    • UMT.1.0 "Badger" Standard
    • Workhorse Advanced
    • Workhorse Supply
  • Updated:
    • Croc
  • Pincer has been updated:
    • Control layout has been reworked for the ship
    • Ship now comes with 2 batteries and has new generator adjusting script making the ship more fuel efficient
    • EcoMode button also has a note to turn it off before using Cargo Lock Beams
Ship Designer

  • Added some additional info to the error message when an error concerning failing to load scene file data is shown
  • Fixed a crash when joining a group session in test mode
  • Fixed an issue where snap points were visualized incorrectly
  • Prevented F5 test mode toggle while the scene is saving, loading, buy custom ship dialog is open, or a state transition is already in progress
  • Prevented closing the buy ship dialogs while the buy operation is active
Ship Easy Build Mode

  • Fixed Easy Build created ships flipping when re-entering
  • Fixed name for Basic 2 T1 Fuel Rod & Rack module
  • Fixed resource containers sometimes emptying when module is placed for the first time
  • Fixed ships duplicating if ship's thrusters are separated from the ship
  • Fixed welding in Corner 1 Ore Crate module
  • Toned down environmental noise when player is working in an in-game editor

  • Fixed Factory Hall Areas saving properly
  • Fixed Station Foundation's rotation while placing
  • Fixed an issue that caused the first Easy Build Mode module being placeable anywhere inside the Easy Build Mode area instead of next to the Station Foundation module

  • Durability errors can now be viewed in game by hovering your reticle or cursor over them
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Building Tool to not repair

  • Added camera distance binds to tutorial hints
  • Added a Quickbar Edit tutorial
  • Fixed Repair Job ship respawning not always working during the last phase of Repair Job tutorial after logging out and back in
  • Fixed an issue during Crafting tutorial where the game showed the amount of ores owned incorrectly
  • Fixed quickbar highlight during tutorial to not highlight any non-visible quickbar and to select the quickbar that has the lowest position on the screen
  • New Mineral Discovery messages now work outside tutorial mode

  • Fixed typo in Mounted Weapon Barrel locales: "Elelctricity" -> "Electricity"
  • Improved locales for Tripod Autocannon:
    • Better explaining how to use the weapon and showing basic stats similar to what mounted ship weapon barrels have
Known Issues

  • Remote explosive's payloads cannot be placed on the moon's surface
  • Digging a steep hole that the player barely fits and entering it can cause fps drops while in it, jumping/flying out of the hole ends the fps issues
  • Digging a very deep hole can cause the hole's wall textures to bug out


Well-known endo
Feb 3, 2020
Wow this is great, and is this
  • Fixed an issue where snap points were visualized incorrectly
This bug report I submitted?
Starbase 8_13_2021 11_56_19 AM.gif
Aug 20, 2021
Update look fantastic!
However, I have some concerns.

Not complaints - just warnings to players.

The station is located in the bottom area of the belt. You need to be mid-way from Origins to get the transponder to show, at approximately 200 km out.
-Be ready to be killed along this route this will be a major camp route for pirates.

Moon bases. To establish a base:
Go 300 meters outside of the city safe zone and 300 meters away from other stations
- Also going to be pirates camping the moon city waiting for players to attempt this trip.
- And without ship spawning at the stations, once the pirates find your base, camp it and wait for you to step just outside your safe zone while mining to kill you - now you have to respawn at the main city to get a ship since you can't spawn a new ship at your base.

Not complaints - just warnings to players.

Keep up the good work - looking forward to more features coming soontm


Active endo
Jul 14, 2021
Love the addition of the station in the belt without station sell terminals, I hope we see this in the live server soon!

I can see this giving a trade lane, and purpose to pirates and peace keeping factions which would be awesome to see.

Look forward to seeing what you all put out in the future!


Learned-to-sprint endo
Aug 17, 2020
has anyone found an ore vein from mining into the moon? been mining deep into the moon for 60+ mins now and nothing...


Master endo
Aug 9, 2019
New Market Station added over 300 km deep into the belt, includes:
  • Auction House and very low 2% tax. This AH is not connected to Origin AH's.
  • All ship shops
  • Easy Build Hall
  • Ship Design Workshop
  • Refill stations
  • Insurance transfer with limited 100 km range
  • 50 km permanent safe zone
  • Notes:
    • This station does not buy ore or items. It's only ment for player trading.
    • The station is located in the bottom area of the belt. You need to be mid-way from Origins to get the transponder to show, at approximately 200 km out.
    • The station is located in the area free of player stations. Please do not try to establish a player station in its area on the live server, as such stations will get moved.
    • There will initially be asteroids inside the safe zone. This is intended, as players seeking a brief refuge for mining can mine in safety until the asteroids are depleted. Note that you need to first get to the station to benefit from this. Also the station is not located in the highest tier asteroid zone.
I love that we have a station in the belt now. Will surely focus playerbase a bit outside starting safe zone

However, 50km safe zone is way too big.
20km (diameter) would be more than enough for mining.
Also smaller distance from the station to the safe zone border would help in any sort of organised battles.
May 22, 2020
It is easier to shrink a safe zone that was too large, than to grow one that was too small, having to delete established player stations in the process.
Yeah 50km seems pretty reasonable for what is going to be a popular single-station hub. Most c9/10 will likely be gone in a week or so if its as popular as I think it'll be.