Yolol could SERIOUSLY benefit from bitwise operators
Just &(and) and |(or) would be an amazing help
I realize the numerical values are not simple integers
Yolol requires using low level tricks to perform complex operations.. bitwise operators would be a great help
I'm not sure how you guys are storing the numerical values.. doubles perhaps.. but maybe just do some forced casting to reduce numbers to ints when a bitwise operater is used
x=(int)((int) y) & ((int) z)
This would also allow us to use x OR zero to round off numbers
Just &(and) and |(or) would be an amazing help
I realize the numerical values are not simple integers
Yolol requires using low level tricks to perform complex operations.. bitwise operators would be a great help
I'm not sure how you guys are storing the numerical values.. doubles perhaps.. but maybe just do some forced casting to reduce numbers to ints when a bitwise operater is used
x=(int)((int) y) & ((int) z)
This would also allow us to use x OR zero to round off numbers