Recent content by Bastion

  1. Bastion

    Half the people on this forum right now

    I disagree. Stop being racist towards polynesians
  2. Bastion

    Half the people on this forum right now

    am I really not allowed to say mahalo for the follow?
  3. Bastion


  4. Bastion

    POLL: What type of Starbase Faction do you prefer?

    duper factions obviously
  5. Bastion

    mahollo for the follow!

    mahollo for the follow!
  6. Bastion

    Hello everyone o/

  7. Bastion

    hi peeps new

    hi peeps new
  8. Bastion

    mafollow for the hollo

    mafollow for the hollo
  9. Bastion

    mahallo for the follow

    mahallo for the follow
  10. Bastion

    mahallo for the follow

    mahallo for the follow
  11. Bastion

    mahalo for the follow

    mahalo for the follow
  12. Bastion

    mahalo for the follow mahalo for the follow mahalo for the follow mahalo for the follow mahalo...

    mahalo for the follow mahalo for the follow mahalo for the follow mahalo for the follow mahalo for the follow mahalo for the follow mahalo for the follow mahalo for the follow mahalo for the follow mahalo for the follow mahalo for the follow mahalo for the follow mahalo for the follow mahalo for...