Recent content by blackcityfiles

  1. blackcityfiles

    What is your ambition for the game?

    My dream for the game is to build a massive freighter for mining operations. Establish trade routes between other's space stations to help them build infrastructure and me profit. Eventually I imagine my ship will be destroyed and I want to build a space junkyard in honor of the ship where i...
  2. blackcityfiles

    Does mining lasers go through ships? Or will there be any other types of "lasers"?

    Just imagine your attacking a mining ship out in some asteroid belt and they just ignore you until you get to close just for them to start mining your ship too!
  3. blackcityfiles

    If you would see a Space Station somewhere, would you attack it or scout it out first? Or would you do something completely different?

    I'd assume that most stations would be open to trade. I plan on a nomadic lifestyle, so building a massive freighter capable of carrying huge loads of resources makes every station a potential trading post. I can't imagine why anyone would want resources delivered right to their door. So the...