Recent content by Chewy

  1. Poll: Reconciling Ship Value Ideas: Heirlooms vs. Commodities

    Personally, I'd like to see a system where ships get less expensive the more they are mass produced. The most a ship would ever cost is when it is first built from scratch and then converted into a blueprint at a shipyard. When the shipyard uses a blueprint to produce a ship, it gets more...
  2. Anyone think large scale warfare will happen in star base?

    Honestly, I don't think that large scale battles will happen very often. The problem is resource balance. If ships are cheap to build, resources won't be valuable and there will be no reason to fight in the first place. If ships are expensive, people won't want to risk their hard earned...
  3. What kind of mounted Weaponry would you like to see?

    Unlike other weapons, the arc cannon would have a hard cap to its range. A fighter that finds itself latched onto by the beam could free itself by retreating. Additionally, it would have a very high energy consumption and very low armor penetration compared to other weapons of similar dps. It's...
  4. What kind of mounted Weaponry would you like to see?

    I'd like to see some kind of arc cannon that latches onto ships. When first fired, the cannon would shoot out a continuous straight beam that curves to keep contact with the first thing it hits, and then does continuous damage as long as the weapon is pointed in the target's general direction...
  5. Outposts and Territory Management

    As the game leaves CA and factions begin claiming territory, I think that stations will fall short if they are the only option available to stake a claim. They need to be expensive in order to balance the safe zone, but due to the cost only large factions will be able to build and defend them...
  6. Will one efficient design suppress all creativity?

    One thing to consider with ship design is their purpose. Outside of station sieges, PvP between purpose built combat ships probably won't happen very often. As a result, the design of combat ships won't be that important because fights will mostly be between pirate/raider ships and civilian...