Recent content by DimaSurgut

  1. DimaSurgut

    Varför behöver du många databaser?

    Eller kanske ge genomförandet av baserna till spelarna, låt dem bestämma var de ska vara?
  2. DimaSurgut

    Sensor för tornet.

    Kommer sensorer som sonar eller locator att skapas så att det skulle vara möjligt att genomföra en auto torn utan deltagande av en pilot?
  3. DimaSurgut

    The Machine ship design division

    to do something like this we need at least a demo editor from the game. to at least somehow generate some kind of concept of a ship. still need to consider the speed of energy consumption and maneuverability. doing a ship because of beauty is pointless.
  4. DimaSurgut

    Ship Size limits?

    But no one bothers that some kind of resistance acts in space during the flight of a ship. Now let’s imagine that this resistance depends on the size of the ship. This means fuel consumption and speed are completely dependent on size. Then, as if large ships are unprofitable.
  5. DimaSurgut

    YOLOL Licence

    I don’t understand how to use the programming in the game. is there maybe at least some kind of training?
  6. DimaSurgut

    Forum suggestions? Post it to this thread!

    right, I understand that the game will never be in Russian?
  7. DimaSurgut

    Forum suggestions? Post it to this thread!

    there are many English-speaking communities, but there are also Russian-speaking people who know little English. if divided into two languages it will be more clear to everyone. or make someone responsible for it
  8. DimaSurgut

    Let's make a discussion for the Russian-speaking community

    there are many English-speaking communities, but there are also Russian-speaking people who know little English. if divided into two languages it will be more clear to everyone. or make someone responsible for it