Recent content by Tommy

  1. Add Device: Station Channel Listener

    Maybe some more Info: This has several use cases, incl a „remote Control“ for station devices, a welcome Message for wanted and unwanted guests, certain Status reports over the Station channel and probably many more
  2. Add Device: Station Channel Listener

    Have a device that listens to Station Channel Chat with 3 Fields: - ChatName (the one who spoke last) - LastMessage (the actual Message, Maybe up to 40 letters) - BroadcastMessage (this Message will be written by device on Station Channel and then reset to 0)
  3. Crafting benches and stations

    This is still the case for many players, or? I used to have a factory going with all three different stations working properly for nearly two (?) weeks. I also had a filling station working in another fabric. Bolting was almost as easy as it should be (some issues every now and then and yes here...