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  1. Matrixmage

    Anyone understand how YOLOL is going to work?

    Nooooo! Yolol is entirely unlike Lua. XCompWiz said that once and everyone's been spouting it since... The only things Lua and Yolol have in common is using `if` and `then` for control flow. Yolol is far closer to old-school BASIC than anything else. I'm big into helping people learn yolol...
  2. Matrixmage

    World position of objects / Мировые координаты объектов [EN/RU]

    Yeah, there's a lot we'll have to make ourselves in Starbase, coordinates and positioning included. In Cylon we're working on developing our Yonder network, which will include that sort information. We're planning to work with a in-game faction to bring it to the masses :D
  3. Matrixmage

    Cylon: the Collaborative Yolol Learning Open Network

    Cylon is the Collaborative Yolol Learning Open Network We are not a faction, anyone and everyone can join Cylon. Cylon is an open non-faction community dedicated to forming a repository of knowledge for yolol, teaching said knowledge to others, and fostering research into new knowledge...