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  1. LauriFB

    Incorporating an in-game Ship design element into the real-time MMO, and abolishing a separate Creative mode

    So if a separate sandbox mode would to be scrapped, would ship designing/testing jobs be acceptable solution? Ie. factions would offer the resources to design and test the ships, and there would be areas/stations dedicated to ship design/testing. I always imagined I'd be building the Empire this...
  2. LauriFB

    Piracy and Thievery

    The only 100% safety is safe zones and despawning ships at safe zone stations (note that dynamic safe zones can be lost, so it's important to despawn at a well secured station if you store your ship for longer time). However, despawning is available usually at any trading hub or any station who...
  3. LauriFB

    Incorporating an in-game Ship design element into the real-time MMO, and abolishing a separate Creative mode

    This is indeed very good discussion and it has made me realize that sandbox indeed includes a risk of players doing all meta development in sandboxes as that's infinitely faster to do there than in the game world. It's not completely bad, but inside the world it would have more meaning. In the...
  4. LauriFB

    Time To Kill - My Biggest Starbase Concern

    Our current damage model is far from complete, and currently we are not balancing damage/armor but testing the extreme cases. Balacing is coming later. Our tests now are artificially bloated fights, as that's tecnically most challenging (a lot of shooting, a lot of damage, a lot of ships in a...
  5. LauriFB

    Here's a clip from Hamstah's Twitter showing detailed damage on an Empire ship!

    Here's a small clip from my aftermath recordings featuring one Kingdom Lancer found among the derelicts floating in the space. The ship seems to be still functioning, so it's a mystery why it's abandoned. Maybe the bullet holes in the cockpit side window indicate a lucky shot killing the pilot...
  6. LauriFB

    How would you like to see cosmetics be implemented into Starbase? And how do you feel about micro transactions?

    To elaborate further, cosmetics will definitely be a thing, ie. cool gear/skins which doesn't affect gameplay. Also a lot of that stuff is earner by exclusively playing the game, especially best items. I've also imagined that the coolest items would be for example a special badge for veterans of...
  7. LauriFB

    Incorporating an in-game Ship design element into the real-time MMO, and abolishing a separate Creative mode

    The ship editor, as other editors, are incorporated in the MMO side as well and are integral part of the experience. Editors are also inside the game world, meaning for example that you need to fly to a hangar which supports the ship editor in order to use the editing tools. It's also possible...