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  1. Venombrew

    I am Just going to say this Once FB

    wow the game has only been out in EA for like 7 weeks, i mean seriously what were you guys expecting and is this your first EA game? honestly these conversations shouldn't even be going on yet this early in EA. can we give the devs some time to actually get a game going? or were you guys...
  2. Venombrew

    I am Just going to say this Once FB

    left or waiting for more content? average pvper who bought into this EA knew it was barebones, they are not gone just waiting for more content like all sandbox games in EA. you got players who hang around during the wait and those who wait offline, just like most mmos. you have moments even...
  3. Venombrew

    I am Just going to say this Once FB

    @J.D. i feel ya man, i wouldn't worry tho, the average player isn't the one actually complaining if you have noticed. what your seeing is more on the lines of buyers remorse for not paying attention to what people are actually paying for. i got a station in eos belt, and i got one in the moon...
  4. Venombrew

    I am Just going to say this Once FB

    why we have saved blueprints, so when this happens all you literally have to do is re-farm that ore to build it, pretty basic and easy.
  5. Venombrew

    Starbase Progress Notes: Week 37 (2021)

    i have been following this company since the announcement of this game over 2 years ago, and i have always said how much i love the fact that they keep the community well informed on the game, even when things don't go the way they want. they tell us the good and the bad, good business ethics...
  6. Venombrew

    I am Just going to say this Once FB

    hey keep it up man, keep that mentality of running head first into danger without even testing the most basic mechanics of the game where it was meant for players to do so in a safe non pvp zone. players like you with zero patience are the same ones crying over, "pvp hard", "pvp not fun", while...
  7. Venombrew

    Starbase Progress Notes: Week 37 (2021)

    love the navi data logger and i am patiently waiting for the moonbase release! i know it is coming just got to be patient!
  8. Venombrew

    If you want more than the actual ~2000 players

    @Cavilier210 dude i feel like we need to put the EA information in our forum signatures cause people seem to not grasp what an EA game is. do people even read anything before they buy it?
  9. Venombrew

    If you want more than the actual ~2000 players

    @Inc0gnit0 @Tomasz "This Early Access game is not complete and may or may not change further." and if you keep reading you get to my favorite part of the Warning before buy, " If you are not excited to play this game in its current state, then you should wait to see if the game progresses...
  10. Venombrew

    If you want more than the actual ~2000 players

    seems to be much better positive reviews than negative, and you only been able to post a review since the very end of july, maybe people are just waiting for more content to be added? seeing how average person gets what an Early access is? before you buy the game they should put a Early Access...
  11. Venombrew

    I am Just going to say this Once FB

    every bit of that is not even right, infact it is recommended you play with all those mechanics in the safe zone before leaving the safe zone. the only thing you do not get is actual player vs player content until you leave the safe zone. you need to learn how to use your firearms and the...
  12. Venombrew

    What do you guys think about the playerbase situation? what do you think about the future?

    i do believe it was Lauri who said something about how radiation signatures will be less effective on miners to make things more fair. I guess their radiation trails will be little to none while they are working, it take me a minute to find that quote since Lauri talks quite a bit about the...
  13. Venombrew

    I am Just going to say this Once FB

    it is impossible to make everyone happy, it is not going to happen. no matter how well a game comes out your always going to have people(mostly people who have no idea what it is like to create something from scratch and take a risk to do so) complaining that the game wasn't designed that suits...
  14. Venombrew

    What do you guys think of billboard ships, should they be allowed?

    i think floating and moving billboards are cool and really gives off that futuristic feel of being in bladerunner or even cyberpunk 2077. you could probably automate one to do just circles around a station out of the way so players coming and going could see them.
  15. Venombrew

    What do you guys think about the playerbase situation? what do you think about the future?

    im show you guys a quote, i dont like cheaters and exploiters and i feel no remorse for them(they knew what they were doing), and to be honest once you been busted you lost any if there was any legal action due to the terms of service we all agree to in the game, in fact some companies can...
  16. Venombrew

    What do you guys think about the playerbase situation? what do you think about the future?

    it seems like 2/3rds of your post's opinions on what is wrong with SB is they are to hard on cheaters? i wish more games out there were much much harder on cheaters, that is one of the things that kills EA games is a run of exploiters and cheaters. dont believe me research it.
  17. Venombrew

    What do you guys think about the playerbase situation? what do you think about the future?

    im little bummed cause all my fighter ships are stuck at origin with no way to put a fast travel device on them. im sorta taken up a new residency within the moon belt, but unable to get my best ships to my new station. and where im at is quite a busy pvp area, be nice to get my gun ships there.
  18. Venombrew

    Starbase Progress Notes: Week 36 (2021)

    SHIP DEEDS!!! Oh snap! I know of a nice graveyard thats got dozens upon dozens of abandoned ships!
  19. Venombrew

    Starbase Progress Notes: Week 35 (2021)

    @LauriFB can you give us any insight on what we will do about getting ships we own to the moon that can't have a warp drive placed on it? i plan on moving to the moon belt for a permanent residency and i got some fighters id love to bring with me but i have no idea on how i can get them there...
  20. Venombrew

    Insurance Transfer to/from Markaa

    @Throdnk i agree with a lot of stuff your saying, my concerns always lay with what exploiters will do. i would personally love to be able to transfer to other stations i have already visited, and i think the penalty should only occur when a player wants to bring personal items across with them...