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  1. fr4me01

    EA Update 22.9.2021 (Early Access Build 627)

    Shifting all the development towards Easy Build mode seems to be the source of literally every single problem this game has encountered since whoever decided to push it through last minute. It's really a shame the launch week had to go that poorly for all the new players solely due to that...
  2. fr4me01

    EA Update 17.9.2021 (EA Build 616)

    Honestly not bad. Good job FB staff peoples! Thank you!
  3. fr4me01

    Anyone think large scale warfare will happen in star base?

    Feelings are being hurt one way or another already in game and out that cause conflict in-game. Smaller factions are being absorbed into larger ones due to a number of compounding reasons including but not limited to player burn and PVP feature delays. I dunno who Captain Jack is or Red wood...
  4. fr4me01

    Starbase Progress Notes: Week 26 (2021)

    Everytime you guys mention Easy Build Mode my excitement to buy and play this game dies. I have Space Engineers already. I am not buying ANOTHER. The fact Stations and now Moon Bases look like they're going to be EBM only just reinforce what I said at the very start of this EBM bull. "If you...
  5. fr4me01

    Starbase Progress Notes: Week 24 (2021)

    workbench tiers.. oh boy. rip customizable modules. you were really cool while you lasted. f for what you could have been.
  6. fr4me01

    Starbase Progress Notes: Week 23 (2021)

    Considering ship designers in regards to changing core components used by many people.... But releasing tiered components that will make EXPONENTIALLY more work for EVERYONE going forward. smh Really terrible design direction. Also considering your previous design direction of: "Ship...
  7. fr4me01

    An open letter to Frozenbite about tiered devices

    CA players experiencing the systems we have now vs 40,000 EA players who experience SB through "red booster good!" tinted glasses will be hard to change going forward. Dropping this stuff right now especially is a TERRIBLE idea. Every ship system you've implemented thus far is modular... You...
  8. fr4me01

    Starbase Progress Notes: Week 21 (2021)

    this tiered color crap is actually the worst direction ive seen any of these progress reports going... can we not take inspiration from space engineers and use the modularity of the existing machines we have IN GAME to build BETTER versions?
  9. fr4me01

    Starbase Progress Notes: Week 20 (2021)

    Cool stuff! Hyped to finally be able to play in the EA!