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  1. Kmank

    Republic - Shape the Future

    Updated with goals and values.
  2. Kmank

    How would you like to see cosmetics be implemented into Starbase? And how do you feel about micro transactions?

    I would do micro-transactions if it was purely cosmetic and if the best cosmetics were able to be obtained through gameplay. Also only if the money is re-invested into the game to make it better for everyone.
  3. Kmank

    What are your plans upon release?

    Going to just enjoy exploring for a bit and then get into the nitty gritty of setting up the Republic's operations. Mining, manufacturing, building, researching design ideas.
  4. Kmank

    What are you looking forward to the most in Starbase?

    Im keen to see how players will interact with eachother and the world.
  5. Kmank

    Republic - Shape the Future

    Thanks Freelancer :) we have good systems in place. Hope to you in game at launch.
  6. Kmank

    Republic - Shape the Future

    Thanks Morrgard!
  7. Kmank

    Republic - Shape the Future

    If you guys have any questions just DM me or ask here :)
  8. Kmank

    The Faction Member Count List (Pie Chart)

    We at 96 now :)
  9. Kmank

    Your ship of choice?

    I want to build a friendship.
  10. Kmank

    Anyone thought about having moving / hidden turrets on their gunships to get past weapons checks at stations?

    Hide gun in the cargo hold then open the cargo bay doors and pew pew pew
  11. Kmank

    Developer Battle - My thoughts and comments

    At that point they didn't move though.
  12. Kmank

    Argentavian Federation | Achieve Prosperity

    Yay for democratic factions
  13. Kmank

    Fan made starbase construction demo

    Great work. Been messing around with it for awhile now.
  14. Kmank

    What do you want to see in the next Starbase feature video?

    Id be happy to watch a video of them building it the long way :D
  15. Kmank

    POLL: What type of Starbase Faction do you prefer?

    Overcome. Adapt. Survive.
  16. Kmank

    And so it begins

    Good thing I have low sodium levels! Bring it on~
  17. Kmank

    This game is going to be awesome.

    I am optimistic and have let the hype take me. Plus I think these devs are 100% battle tested unlike NMS devs.