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  1. Shulace

    Dual universe back track on planet mining and why SB need to do the same

    DU burnt its bridges and will never get its players back, crap pvp and content aside. The only thing I'm not liking is the hand mining and lasers not being effective for moon mining, there needs to be land based modules/vehicles that can do this. Starbase has not burnt any bridges yet and most...
  2. Shulace

    I am Just going to say this Once FB

    Great! Well you understand. The devs are people too, they are trying their best to manage the community expectations, nothing is set in stone but I trust in their work. The foundation needs to be built up before gameplay loops like PVP can be supported effectively. Think of the game as an ocean...
  3. Shulace

    I am Just going to say this Once FB

    You missed the part where I said I played mostly MMOs. Also I am also exclusively operating outside of the safezone when not in the SSC and if I am not mining I am hunting pirates and other fighters. Have you heard of Star Wars: Squadrons? I think you will like that one, nothing but PVP and...
  4. Shulace

    I am Just going to say this Once FB

    Twitch streamers gaining views or not off of a game is not necessarily the games' fault or a solid measure for a game's success, for instance Eve Online numbers are not fantastic at all but Minecraft, which I find absolutely boring has absolutely bonkers numbers that blows all other hardcore PVP...
  5. Shulace

    I am Just going to say this Once FB

    Beware of the echo chambers of the Griefer players, this was the downfall of Dual Universe and I reckon these are the same folks with the devil whispers into ending JCs' career lmao. Right now you are going to bear the brunt of the full force of these basement dwellers. Keep doing your thing...
  6. Shulace

    Should SB devs wipe economy prior to 1.0?

    What else needs addressing? Would you rather people being rewarded for the time and effort they put into a game or the devs wiping it all, those folks leave, and the same thing happens again anew, albeit with far smaller player base and a dead game?
  7. Shulace

    Should SB devs wipe economy prior to 1.0?

    Dual Universe is my data for this lol, their 0.23 patch was effectively a wipe.
  8. Shulace

    Should SB devs wipe economy prior to 1.0?

    Welcome to live access MMO games, no wipes when it goes public, EA or not, and if any happens it kills off more players than it gains. A wipe now or in the future will be like a DU 0.23 event.
  9. Shulace

    I am regretting my purchase after 7 hours of gameplay :/

    I'm sure there are some big groups that do pirating or pirate hunting, check out the discord recruitment channel. They are pretty active so you should enjoy that.
  10. Shulace

    Ships Becoming "Derelicts" At Player Stations And Seemingly Disappearing

    I know that the developers are aware of the issue of the player station EBM and turning ships into derelicts and the assumption is that they are working on it. However, the issue does not seem to be tied only to the EZ Build zone around a player station. I planted station a few km from the...
  11. Shulace

    Play for 7 hours and progress gone

    Keep an eye on the games' discord, they communicate about the game and current issues more frequently there.
  12. Shulace

    [POLL] What Would You Want to Do Most in Combat?

    I enjoy flying anything involving big ships, if its disposable big ships for pvp sure. I'll be spending most of my time designing though.
  13. Shulace

    Tiered thrusters and generators is a mistake that will hurt the game long-term.

    I heard these can be exploited in PVP, which is BIG YIKES. I imagine this is a major reason why they pushed back the EA, I expect this to be fixed but if it doesn't, it will absolutely be a shit storm.
  14. Shulace

    anyone got game suggestions to play while we wait for the next 6 delays

    When an early access game launches the public perception is that the game has LAUNCHED which means whatever stigma gets associated with the title upon the release/date sold day will stick with the game forever. This makes getting new players/customers hard, this is why companies generally...
  15. Shulace

    The downfall of Starbase

    We talking about space MMOs or FPS? Eve has many infamous people that do crazy things, people that hunt priceless alliance ships and titans to kill, people that steal entire outposts during unanchoring, but they aren't very well known as much as Mittani who made an empire(that's now burnt down)...
  16. Shulace

    The downfall of Starbase

    Showing off and selling ship builds is very MMO to me, not sure what you on about. I play/played ALOT of MMOs I was one of the best warriors/sorcerer in TERA, started to get uber grindy and now its dying. I play FF14, Healer/Tank/DPS, and all DoL/DoH classes to max lvl. Warframe is kind of an...
  17. Shulace

    The downfall of Starbase

    For Space Engineers MMO :) It should have been obvious
  18. Shulace

    The downfall of Starbase

    There are tiered parts in SB, don't forget that as well as complete freedom on how much guns/people you have. Don't cherry pick facts. PVP in SB will not truly be competitive, it will be who has the most numbers and manned guns. I don't wanna rain on your parades but nobody is gong to know who...
  19. Shulace

    The downfall of Starbase

    The thing is, PVP in MMOs is only fair if you're there at the start, other than that it just becomes another barrier to draw in new players once the initial launch numbers fall off, this has always been the case for decades so far. The MMO eventually just dies sooner than later if it tries to...