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  1. Hunter

    How to disable the safezone lock/leave the safezone

    Hey all, I'm continuing to upload small tutorials that aim to answer questions that new players in EA will have. With this video, I'm explaining how to disable the "safezone lock", which requires going a few menus deep into the settings and may be hard to find for new players.
  2. Hunter

    Question regarding RMT.

    I think it goes without saying that RMT won't be allowed in Starbase, like pretty much every MMO in existence. I have a question regarding if something in particular would be considered RMT. Say I contract an acclaimed ship designer to design a ship for me. Would it be considered RMT if I...
  3. Hunter

    Ore selling/transfer guide.

    Hi all, Before Starbase releases into EA, I'm attempting to make some short tutorials that aim to answer questions that new players will have in sub-1 minute videos. This video covers how to sell ores to Origin station after your first asteroid belt mining run.
  4. Hunter

    [SAU] SPACE APES UNITED is looking for more space monke brethren! OOH OOH AH AH *flings poo*

    SPACE APES UNITED Guilded | Twitter Space Apes United is a smaller-sized community started in January 2021 primarily focused around VR games (notably Pavlov VR, and an upcoming game called Zenith). VR is great and all, but many of us get motion sickness/eye fatigue and need something...
  5. Hunter

    1 Hour Station Mining Timelapse

    Hi all, My alliancemates and I were curious about how much you could rake in from one hour of station/noob mining. I decided to record that one hour session and turned it into a timelapse.