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  1. DukeBarr

    Making larger ships more interesting with modules too large for smaller ship?

    Based on how ships appear to be melting in combat with every battle we have seen so far I dont think anyone will have the time for Electronic warfare even if it was a thing.
  2. DukeBarr

    A free station

    At that point why not just build up a faction of your own and claim neutrality and open a space port up to the rest of the world.
  3. DukeBarr

    Argentavian Federation | Achieve Prosperity

    Seems like an interesting Organization
  4. DukeBarr

    Making larger ships more interesting with modules too large for smaller ship?

    Large ships are going to play a role in that they are a mobile fortress. Personally as long as a large ship has a combat air patrol active around it they will be perfectly fine
  5. DukeBarr

    Ship Prefixes list

    LAG - Legacy Aerospace Group
  6. DukeBarr

    What would you name your ships and why?

    hard to come up with a name when we dont know all the capabilities of ships. Specifically Torpedoes and swarm missiles
  7. DukeBarr

    [L.A.G.] Legacy Aerospace Group | SNC #1

    There is none better than Legacy. Started with the group at the beginning of atlas and through the utilization of the squad system mentioned in page 1 of this thread we dominated.