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  1. Fingle

    Discussing Exploration

    Here is my second video essay! I have been thinking a lot about exploration and how starbase facilitates it. Here are my ideas on the subject. If you have any cool ideas relating to exploration in Starbase I'd LOVE to hear them!! Drop a thread below or comment on my video (I respond more on...
  2. Fingle

    Crisis of Conflict: Is there a reason to go to war in Starbase?

    Hey all, about a month ago I began writing a thread to post on this forum summing up a conversation I had in the Starbase discord. We were discussing the reasons that wars would begin in a starbase and there really didn't seem to be many if any at all. Long story short, that post eventually...
  3. Fingle

    Starbase Fan Art Drawing Video

    We are working on an audio recreation for TheMarksman's Pilot series and thought we should record the drawing of one of the Endos. Enjoy
  4. Fingle

    The Whale Prototype Ship Showcase

    Made a little video showing my ship idea:
  5. Fingle

    Starbase Construction Minecraft Modpack

    Hey Hey Hey, I just finished my attempt to make something relatively similar to Starbase's construction. I lOVE Marki's construction demo, but I found it a tad too glitchy for me. The movement was also hard to work with. I wanted to find another way to build Ship ideas. I've been playing a lot...
  6. Fingle

    Where is Frozenbyte in the Development Posses? (Theorizing)

    Id likes to say I'm well known in the Starbase Community for my extremely scientific prediction of when the game comes out, but if I did I would be lying. In hindsight, my early September prediction was made with great hype and wishful thinking. As we all know, Early September has come and...
  7. Fingle

    LOGGS Low Orbit Gas Giant Stations (Cloud City)

    This is the one thing that I want more than anything. Ever since I learned that the asteroid bet surrounded a gas giant, I've wanted to create a station floating amidst the clouds. Imagine what an engineering feat that would be, balancing your huge station on giant helium pillows. I don't know...
  8. Fingle

    NO Warp Gates? Discussing their potential replacement, Space Highways.

    I posted a thread about Warp gates titled Hypothetical Warp Gate Construction Requirements in which I discussed my ideas about how warp gates should be constructed. A fellow endo let me know that Warp gates have been scrapped and replaced by "hyper lanes" (Pictured below) These lanes would allow...
  9. Fingle

    Hypothetical Warp gate Construction Requirements

    I was recently watching one of @Kenetor 's faction interviews featuring Luna Corp. Luna corp's goal is to reach the moon and build a warp gate. That got me thinking... How will players build a warp gate? Clearly the process should be extremely expensive and time consuming, but how do the devs...