
  1. Scene contains overlapping objects.

    I made a ship in editor, spend like 30+ hours in it, tested it alot times with test mode, i was now ready to spawn it and then the game says: --- Scene contents are invalid. Scene contains overlapping objects. --- but why it does not tell me wich objects? at least a part name? why can i then go...
  2. Lukas04

    The SSC desperatly needs more Quality of Life.

    At the moment the SSC (Space Ship Creator) is at the same time one of my favorite but also least favorite parts of the game. I really like creating ships in Starbase, but there is one thing keeping it from having a good flow and being as much fun as it could be. That issue is the editor itself...
  3. armazohairge

    hello I wonder if this base is with a strong EDITOR?

    hello i wonder is that starbase is considering a very pushy assete editor for mission relocation placement like that edean editor trail office Edan editor