
  1. Sloppy Stalin

    Mobile App for Forum/Starbase

    Any plans for something like this? Either one to easily access the forum or to view faction status n such within Starbase itself (When it comes out obviously).
  2. Mochro


    Read first - First Stop This is going to be a larger suggestion and will cover multiple topics. So please read through it all, All the subheadings and the sub-topics! As well as this, please add on your own suggestions onto the end, or add on the ones written in here, would be greatly...
  3. Mci

    Watching What's New

    Lately, I've found the what's new category to be very useful on my end. I get to see what threads are a hotbed of activity without having to trowel through the entirety of the forums to find one that's interesting and respond to it. Does anyone else gorilla around in certain parts of the...
  4. Atreties

    How do I get Points? I must know.